FEBRUARY, 1879.]
BY PROFESSOR C. H. TAWNEY, M.A., CALCUTTA. In the story of the Widow's Son, a Norwegian few drops caused the horse to stand far out in tale, found in Thorpe's Yuletide Stories, the fol- the water; nevertheless he at last swam to the lowing incident occurs :-"A youth found him- shore. When the Trolls came to the water, they self in the house of a Troll, and entered a room lay down to drink it all up, and they gulped which he had expressly been forbidden to enter. and gulped it down till they burst. "Now we In it he found a horse, who warned him that are quit of them,' said the horse." if the Troll returned he would certainly kill A very similar incident occurs in the story of him. The horse then gives him the following Prince Sringa bhuja in the Katha Sarit directions :-Now lay the saddle on me, put Sagara, lambaka vii. taranga 39. The prince on the armour, and take the whip of thorn, the is to marry the daughter of a Rakshasa named stone, and the water-flask, and the pot with Agniśikha, on condition that he performs ointment, and then we will set out.'” The various tasks. All these he executes successyouth does so, and the story continues :
fully by the help of his intended, Rû.pa“When the youth had mounted the horse it śikha. At last the Rakshasa A gniśikha set off at a rapid rate. After some time the said to him, “Go hence to the south only two horse said, 'I think I hear a noise ; look round, yojanas' distance, and you will find an empty can you see anything ?' 'A great many are temple of Siva in a wood. In it lives my dear after us, certainly a score at least,' answered brother Dhûmaśikha. Go there now, and the youth. Ah ! that is the Troll,' answered say this in front of the temple :-Dhû mathe horse, he is coming with all his com- śikha, I am sent by Agniśikha to invite panions. They travelled for a long time, until you and your retinue; come quickly, for totheir pursuers were gaining on them. Throw morrow the ceremony of Rupaśikh â's marriage now the thorn whip over your shoulder,' said is to take place. Having said this, come back the horse, but throw it far away from me.' The here with speed, and to-morrow marry my youth did so, and at the same moment there danghter Rû pasikha.” When the treasprang up a large thick wood of briars.
cherous Rakshasa said this to sringa“The yonth now rode on a long way, while bhuja, he consented, and went and told the the Troll was obliged to go home for something whole to Rûpaśikha. The good girl gave him wherewith to hew a passage through the wood. some earth, some water, and some thorns and After some time the horse said, Look back, can some fire, and her own fleet horse, and said you see anything now?' 'Yes, a whole multitude to him, “ Mount this horse and go to the of people,' said the youth, like a church con- temple, and quickly repeat that invitation gregation. That is the Troll; now he has got to Dhû masikha, and then return on this more with him ; throw ont now the large stone, horse at full gallop, and you must often turn but throw it far from me.' When the youth your head and look round. And if you see had done what the horse desired, a large stone Dhû maśikha coming after you, you must mountain arose behind them. So the Troll was throw the earth behind you in his way. If, in obliged to go home after something with which spite of that, Dh umasikh a still pursues you, to bore through the mountain ; and while he you must in the same way fling the water behind was thus employed the youth rode a consider you in his path. If in spite of this he comes, you able way. But now the horse again bade him must in like manner throw these thorns behind look back; he then saw a multitude like a whole you in his way; and if in spite of that he still army; they were so bright that they glittered pursues, throw this fire in his way. And if you in the sun. 'Ah! that is the Troll with all his do this, you will return here without the Daitya : friends,' said the horse. Now throw the water- so do not hesitate, go; you shall to-day behold bottle behind you, but take care to spill nothing the power of my magic." When she said this to on me!' The youth did as he was directed, him, Sring a bhuja took the earth and the but, notwithstanding his caution, he happened other things, and said, " I will do so," and mountto spill a drop on the horse's loins. Immediately ing the horse went to the t.mple in the wood. there rose a vast lake, and the spilling of the There he saw that Siva had a figure of Parvati