JANUARY, 1879.]
Narasimha Pota-varmma, who must have ocean, -of which a graphic description is given been a former Palla va king, though at what in truly oriental style, --where he dwelt in distance of time is not known, but he is expressly peace after withering up Påndy, Chola, stated to have been a friend of the twice-born, | Kerala, Kalabhra, and other kings. 1.e. the Brahmans. These statues the con- We now arrive at the reign of Kirtti. queror caused to be overlaid with gold.
varmma, the donor of the grant. On attainof the magnificent works of sculpture exe- ing the proper age he was made Yuvardja, and, cuted under the Pallavas we have sufficient in order to distinguish himself by some warlike evidence in the Amaravati stû pa, and in exploit, requested permission to march against the remains of Mahabalipûr, or the Seven the king of Kanchi, the enemy of his race. Pagodas. But the subject of these statnes is The victorious expedition of the preceding not clear. Deva kala would seem to imply that reign had therefore reduced, but not crushed, the they were images of gods, but there is no such Pallava power. The young prince obtained god as R & j a-simha that I am aware of. It his father's permission, and marched against seems allowable to suppose that they were statues the weakened Palla va, who, being unable to of deified members of the royal family. It is a withstand him in the field, took refuge in a common practice to erect a linga in the name of hill-fort. There Kirtti-varmma seems to 3 deceased king. Thus the celebrated temple have left him, but scattered his forces and at Halebid is dedicated to Hoysaleśvara, and plundered his treasures, carrying off elephants, the late Mahârâja of Maisûr founded the temple rubies, and gold, which he delivered to his of Chamarajeśvara in honour of his father. Thus in due time he became a Sdruvafather Chama Raje. Now the account bharma, or universal emperor. which Sir Walter Elliot has given of the Such are some of the details furnished by this first encounter of the Chalukyas and the interesting inscription, a transcript and translaPalla vas rons to the following effect :- In the tion of which here follow. The gradual acreign of Trilochana-Palla va the Cha- camulation of the titles invariably applied to the luky a king Jaya simha invaded the king- later Chalu kya kinge will be noticed. Pandom. He was, however, slain. But his wife, lake-si is simply' vallabha-mahárája.' Kirttithen pregnant, fled and took refuge with a varmma prefixes prithivi to vallabha. SatBrâhman named Vishnu-Somayaji, in y å śray a further prefixes éri, and assumes the whose house she gave birth to a son named | title 'paramešvara,' which he had won. VikraR&j a-si mhe. On attaining to man's estate he mådity a extends the list with bhatdraka; renewed the contest with the Pallavas, in which while in the description of Vijayaditya is he was finally successful, cementing his power first used the phrase samasta-bhwan-dsraya, by & marriage with a princess of that race. which afterwards became a title.
If the Rajasiṁhes vara statue in It was only thirty years later than the date question was that of a former prince of his own of this grant that, according to Wilson, the race, the first who had been victorious over the Buddhists were expelled from the neighbourPalla vas, and whose memory, from the fact hood of K A nchi to Ceylon. In 788 A.D., he of his having married into their family, Vikr&- says, A kalan ka, a Jain teacher from Sravana midity a now found to be thus reverently che- Belgola, who had been partly educated in rished, it would account, perhaps, for his modera- the Bauddha college at Ponataga (near Trivation towards the city, and for his commemorat- tur, south of Káñchi), disputed with them in ing his entry by causing the statues to be gilded. the presence of the last Bauddha prince, Hem
Wo are next introduced to him in a seaside. Bitala, and having confuted them, the prince residence at 8 place called Jayamam- became a Jain, and the Bauddhas were banished bha, situated on the shore of the southern I to Kandy."
Vokkaléri Plates. Transcript. 1. Svasti Jayaty Avishkṣitam-Vishñor-vârâham kshobhitârnavam dakshinonnata-damsb
tragra-vibranta-bhuvanam 10 Onlled Charnamenárna no doubt a descriptive might suggest another derivation, besides the many already epithet, and not a name. If the latter, the first part of it given, for Coromandel. HMK. Coll. vol. I. p. lav.