arranged, then arithmetic, that is numeration with till he is quite fatigued, and can no longer the fractional parts of a unit, and after arithmetic repeat the operation-this punishment is called the boy is taught to read at sight. The pupils in Marathi kanghodi; to stand for a long time are not divided into classes, but are all jumbled in a bent position, holding the right great toe together, and all simultaneonsly vociferate their with the left hand, and the left with the right, various tasks. In the evening, an hour before which is called angthe; or should the boy have closing. they are all made to stand up in rows committed some grave fault, in addition a stone facing each other, at such a distance as to is placed on his neck, and a number of writing enable the pantoji to pass between the lines, boards or pátis placed on his back; and should and with their hands joined and held near the he let either of these fall, he is beaten with a heart, they repeat the letters, multiplication table cane, or condemned to stand for a certain and a few hymns, and the master concludes with time on one foot, the other being bent across instructions regarding household duties, attend the thigh; and should he let down the uplifted ance at school, and reminding them always to leg, he is beaten. Sometimes a boy's feet are keep the pantoji in mind. After this they are tightly tied with a hemp or coir rope, and susdismissed, each with a stroke on the palm of pended from a hook with his head hanging their hands, from the pantoji's cane, the pantoji down, and chillies kept burning on the ground taking such boys to their respective houses as underneath the head. A lighter punishment is have no servants, or whose servants have not to apply molasses to his body, and let ants get come for them. The following are specimens of at it, so that the insects keep biting the body. the hymns the boys are taught by the pantoji :- Another is to hang & rope from a beam, and १. सकाळी उठोनी शाळेस या,
lifting the boy to make him catch bold of it, नाही याल तर मार खाल;
inserting the fingers of his hands between घोडीवर बसुनी स्वार व्हाल,
each other, he is then kept suspended, either घोडी घेतां रहूय.
with molasses and ants applied to his body, or
caned all over; or two erring boys are made to घरी जातां हसू ये.
knock their heads against each other, for ust ,
a number of times; or the master catching hold विद्या यहे घम घम:
of their top knots (sendis) knooks their heads verte T erre
against each other, or against the wooden writing आमची विद्या हरवली.
boards. Two boys are made to pull an erring In the schools kindness is unknown. Fear boy's ears with as much force as they can, each is the first, the last, and the only feeling brought on his own side, but should the pullers be into play; punishment that partakes of the lenient towards the boy, then others are made nature of torture, the only stimulant; with the to pull their ears, and thus knowing what they cane and a wooden flat round-headed rod or are about, they usually pull with vigour. If a pánmutri the master is always armed, and the boy wants to go out, he points out the little open palm and clenched fist are always vigor-| finger, or the first two fingers near the thumb, ously applied to the back, the cheeks, and the closing all the other fingers, and the master, if head. Of the other varieties of punishment willing, allows him to go quietly, but if not, and constantly employed, the following may be taken the boy entreats to be allowed, the master will as those of most ordinary occurrence. To say tell him to spit on the floor, and to return nothing of the cane which the master renews before it dries up; if it should dry before at least once a month, the boys are beaten on he returns, he is severely punished. These the palm of the hand with the pánmutri, the punishments will scarcely sound credible to the head of which is bored all over with holes; the ear of a European, especially when a Hindu boy is made to hold his right ear with the left father attaches so much importance to a son, hand, and the left with the right, and quiokly whose birth saves him from the torments of a to sit down and stand up a number of times particular hell called put, but they are too well
• In Madras, says Gover, they are compelled to sit or ataud in cruel posture, their lego fettered, hands, feet, and neck bent together, and held fast by iron ties. A log
fastened to a chain hange from the waist, or is slowly dragged behind.-Ind. Ant. Vol. II. pp. 52, 58.