(JULY, 1879.
sarada Chaitra-buddha-Trayodasi-Bri(bsi) haspati- MS. Coll., I., 617. The date is Sri.-Cha-Vi.. váradala ; i. e. Saka 1028."-29, A stone-tablet varshad=aivattaneya Visváoasa-savivatsaradz at Tálgund in Maisûr; No. 218 of P., 8., and Chaitra-buddha-trayodasi - Brisbri)haspativárad 0.-C., Inscriptions. The date, 1. 20, is Cha. ardu; i.e. Śaka 1047." Vi.-kálada múvatt-erade(da)neya Sarvvajit- I can find no evidence of such a practice 8nhuatsırada Chaitra-su(su)ddha tadige Brisbri). before the time of Vikramaditya VI. hispativáradıla; i e. Saka 1029."-30, A But, after his time, it became the custom for his memorial tablet at Balagâmve; No. 173 of Successors, as a rule, - and for the kings of P., S., and 0.-0., Inscriptions. The date, 1. 4, the Kalacharya, Hoysala, and Y âda ya is Srimatu-Chá.-Vi.-varshada 38neya Nandana- dynasties, very frequently,--to date their insarivatsarada; i. e. Saka 1034."—31, A memo- scriptions, not in the Saka era, but in the rial tablet at Hangal; No. 103 of P., S., and years of their reigns, coupled with the name of 0.-C., Inscriptions. The date, 1. 1, is [Sri]mat- the samvatsara of the particular year under Chá. Vi -varshada 38neya Vijaya-strivatsarada reference. It is foreign to the scope of this Chaitra-buddha páding. Buddhavárad-aidu;' paper, to give instances of this here. But i. e. Saka 1035.2 -32, A stone-tablet at Bala- there is one special case, No. 185 of P., 8., and gâmve; No. 175 of P., S., and 0.-C., Inscrip- 0.-C., Inscriptions, which is worth noticing. tions. The date, l. 49, is Sri.-Cha-Vi.-kálada It is an inscription of the Kalachurya king 39neya Jaya-saratsarada Chatrada punnave Bijjaņa, and of his son, Sô vidê va or Alivára grohana-vyatipáta-sainkramanıd-andu; Sôm svara. The date, 1. 37, is expressed i. e. Saka 1036.42-33, A stone-tablet at the by Srimat-Kalachurya-varshada 16neya Sarvatemple of Râmêśvara at Balambid : MS. Coll, dhári-suhvatsarada Vaisakha-paurnnami AdittyaI., 548. The date is Sri.-Chá.-Vi-varshada (tya)vára sóma-grahana-sarikramana-vyatipátad42neya Hevilambi-samvatsarada Phálguna- andy; i. e. Saka 1090, which points to Saka fuddha-panchami Adivára vytipátad-aridu; 1074, the Angirasa sainvatsara, for the comise. Saka 1039.43_34, A stone-tablet at mencement of this Kalachurya-Varsha. Whereas Davangere in Maisûr; No, 138 of P., S., and according to Sir Walter Elliot and inscrip0.-C., Inscriptions. The date, 1. 37, is Chá- tions,-Bijjana commenced to reign in Vi.-varshada 46neya Plava-szivatsarad-Atvija
Saka 1078, the Dhâtu sainvatsara, and was bihula-parichani Adirárad-ardu; i. e. Saka succeeded by Sô vid ê va in Saka 1087, the 1043-35, No. III. of my Sind a inscriptions. Parthiva sarnvatsara. Therefore, if the The date, 1. 16, Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc., details of the date are correct, this era does not Vol. XI., p. 248), is Srimatu-Chá.-Vi.-kálada
date from the accession of Bijjan'a, or of 45neya Subhikrikri)t-sariwachchha(tsa rada Sô vid ê va; and I cannot say what it does Chaitra-su(su)ddha 8 Sómavara uttarayana- date from. sanhkrántiy-anhdu; i. e. Saka 1044.0-And, But the era of Vikramaditya VI., unlike 36, A stone-tablet at the temple of the god the others that were thus set up, had a longer Ramalinga at Bâlûr in the Hangal Taluka; duration than that of his reign. According
" Saka 1028, the Vyaya samvatsara, commenced on Chaitra; corresponding to Tuesday, the 24th March, Saturday, the first day of the dark fortnight of Chaitra; A.D. 1114.-ED. correspopling to Saturday, the 24th March, A.D. 1106.---
33 Saka 1039, the Hevilambi or Hêmalamba sana watsara, ED.
commenced on Saturday, the fourth day of the dark 3. Saka 1020, the Sarvajit sans vatsara, commenced on
fortnight of Chaitra ; corresponding to Saturday, the 34th Sunday, the thirteenth day of the dark fortnight of March, A.D. 1117.-ED. Chaitra; corresponding to Sunday, the 24th March, A.D. 34 At Vol. IV. p. 205, I have noticed another inscription, 1107-ED.
(No.7 at Bank&pur), which also makes the Subhakrit * This would point to saka 996, for the commencement gatvatsara the forty-fifth of the era. These two would of the era. But no further details of the date are given, point to Saka 999 or 1000 for the commencement of the and 88neya must be only a mistake for 87 neya. In No. 3
era. But in both of them, either 4óneya must be a above, and in other inscriptions in the MS. Collection, the
mistake for 47neya, or Subhakpit must be a mistake for Nandana sarvatsara is rightly called the thirty-seventh
saruari, 1. e. Saka 1012.--Saka 1044, the Subhakrit sami. of the ers
vatsara, commenced on Friday, the fourteenth day of the 90 Sc., pratipadd.
bright fortnight of Chaitra corresponding to Friday, 31 Saka 1085, the Vijaya samvatsara, commenced on the 24th March, A.D. 1122.-ED. Monday, the fourth day of the bright fortnight of Chaitra, u Saka 1047, the Visvarasu samvatsara, commenced corresponding to Monday, the 24th March, A.D. 1118.-ED. on Tuesday, the second day of the dark fortnight of
» Saka 1086, the Jaya sohvatsara, commenced on Chaitrs; corresponding to Tuesday, the 24th March, A.D. Tuesday, the fourteenth day of the bright fortnight of 1125.--ED.