JUNE, 1879.]
gara was the king Mahendra."--Taranátha's Hist. | to be of European origin. The name was properly of Buddhism, by Schiefner, p. 267.
synonymous with the Karndtaka (see Carnatic), and Circa 1610 :-"The Zamindars of Singaldip apparently a corruption of that word. Our quota(Ceylon) and Karnatak came up with their forces tions show that throughout the 16th century the and expelled Sheo Rai, the ruler of the Dakhin." term was applied to the.country above the Gbats, -Firishta in Elliot, vol. VI. p. 549.
sometimes to the whole kingdom of Narsinga Circa 1660 :-"The Ráis of the Karndtik, Mah- or Vijayanagar. Gradually, and probably owing rattá (country), and Telingana, were subject to the to local application at Goa, the name became Rai of Bidar."-'Amal-i-Salih, in Elliot, vol. VII. appropriated to the low country on the coast p. 126.
between Goa and Malabar, which was subject to 1698:-"I received this information from the that kingdom, much as the name Karnataka came Natives, that the Canatick Country reaches from at a later date to be misapplied on the other Gongola to the Zamerhin's Country of the Mala- coast. bars along the sea, and inland up to the Pepper The Canara or Canarese language is spoken Mountains of Sunda. . . . . . Bedmure, four Days' over a large tract above the Ghats, and as far Journy hence is the Capital City."-Fryer, p. 162 north as Bidar (see Caldwell's Gram. p. 33). It (A Relation of the Canatick Country).
is only one of several languages spoken in the Here Fryer identifies the “Canatick" with Ca- British district of Kanara, and in only a small nara below the Ghâţs.
part, viz. near Kundapur. Tuļu is the chief lanSo also the coast of Kanara seems meart in guage in the southern district. the following:
1516 :-"Beyond this river commences the Circa 1750-60 :-" Though the navigation from kingdom of Narsinga, which contains five very the Carnatic coast to Bombay is of a very short large provinces, with each a language of its own. run, of not above six or seven degrees."--Grose, The first, which stretches along the coast to Malabar, vol. I. p. 232.
is called Talinate (i. e. Tuļu-nadu, or the modern "The Carnatic, or province of Arcot....its province of South Canara); another lies in the intelimits now are greatly inferior to those which rior....; another has the name of Telingu, which bounded the ancient Carnatio: for the Nabobs of confines with the kingdom of Origa; another is Arcot have never extended their authority beyond Canari, in which is the great city of Bisnaga; and the river Gondegama to the north; the great then the kingdom of Charamendel, the language of chain of mountains to the west, and the branches which is Tamal."-Barbosa. . of the kingdom of Trichinopoli, Tanjore, and 1520 :-" The last kingdom of the First India Maissore to the south; the sea bounds it to the is called the Province Canarin; it is bordered on east."-Ibid. II. p. vii.
one side by the kingdom of Goa and by Anjadiva, 1792:-" I hope that our acquisitions by this and on the other side by Middle India, or Malabar. peace will give so much additional strength and In the interior is the king of Narsings, who is compactness to the frontier of our possessions, chief of this country. The speech of those of both in the Carnatic, and on the coast of Malabar Canarim is different from that of the kingdom of as to render it extremely difficult for any power the Decan and of Goa."-Portuguese Summary of above the Ghauts to invade us."-Lord Cornwallis's Eastern Kingdoms, in Ramusio, vol. I. f. 330. Despatch from Seringopatam, in Seton-Karr, vol. 1552:-"The third province is called Ganará, also II. p. 96.
in the interior (Castanheda, vol. II. p. 50), and as 1826 :-" Camp near Chillumbrum (Carnatic), applied to the language." March 21st, 1826." This date of a letter of He- 1552:-"Tho language of the Gentoos. (or ber's is probably one of the latest instances of the pagans) is Canard." --Ibid. p. 78. use of the term in a natural way.
1552:-"The whole coast that we speak of, back In South India, especially among natives, to the Ghat (Gate) mountain range . . . . . they call Karnataka fashion' is in common colloquial use Concan, and the people properly Concanese (Conto signify a rude or boorish way of doing things. quewijs), though our people call them Cararese
CANARA, np. Properly Kannada. This name (Canarija)" ...-De Barros, Dec. I. liv. ix. cap. i. has long been given to that part of the west coast 1552:-"And as from the Ghats to the sea on the which lies below the Ghats, from Mouat Dely west of the Decan all that strip is called Concan, north to the Goa territory, and now to the two Bo from the Ghats to the sea on the west of Canará, British provinces or districts which that tract con- always excepting that stretch of 46 leagues of titutes. This appropriation of the name seems which we have spokon (north of Mount Deli)
The passage is exceedingly corrupt. This version, English (p. 79); the Portuguese of the Lisbon Academy imperfect as it is, is made up from three, vix. Stanley's p. 291; and Ramasio's Italian (vol. I. S. , V.).