JUNE, 1879.]
Then the Sultan made the following arrange The author then concludes with these words: ments. He entrusted the government (Fouj- "I have now finished the story of Patan, dari) of Patan to Mitha Khân, and left a which was completed on Friday the 24th of detachment of his army under his orders. In Shâbân ; the entire story is true, do not think this way Mitha Khân became governor of Påtan, otherwise. It was in A. H. 470 that the Sultan and the Sultan also presented him with a shield. marched against Påtan, and the Mangaluri The Sultân kindly bestowed the Kaziship of Shâh performed so many miracles. This poem Påtan on two Sheikhs, descendants of the was written in Pâtan by Sheikh Din in A. H. Khalifah Abu-Bakar, who had accompanied him. 1216, it was commenced on the 7th of Safar, They were brothers of the whole blood, and and was completed in Shâban. The name of their names were Jalâlu'd-din and Lukmân. All the penman who wrote it was Dadabhai, a most the new Musalmans were entrusted to them. excellent scribe."
Leaving thus Patan in their spiritual charge, It will be seen that the above account of the the Sultan sounded his drums for a march, and destruction of Somanath is different from any mustered both his cavalry and infantry, and in- given in the Persian histories of the siege, though quired from the paymaster (bakshi) how many the author has evidently studied them, and had died in all since he set out from Ghazni, borrowed his account of the jewelled lamp from and found the total amounted to 125,000. He one author, and the suspended image from then set ont gladly towards Ghazni, and after another. The shrine of the Mangalori Shah & year's journey reached that city, and sat on is still in excellent preservation, it is situated to his throne amid strains of joyful musio and the the right-hand side of the road which leads from greetings of all his kinsmen and friends. Then Verwal to PAtan. Sultan Mahmud Shah thanked God for his Påtan seems never to have been a dependency goodness, and bestowed lakhs of rupees in of the Chudásamas of Junagadh, but to have charity, and granted jagirs and ready money been first held by the Chà va das and then by to the relatives of those who had fallen in the W Aj As, who afterwards owned the whole battle.
sea coast from Pâtan to Alang Manâr. But they In the meantime, Mitha Khân, governor of were first conquered by Alagh Khân during the Påtan, resolved to visit the temple of Somanåth, reign of Alau'd-din Khilji, and then reduced and when he came there he found that it was to a subordinate position by the Toghlak Salall built of stone. Now it seems that when the tâns of Dehli, and subsequently further humbled temple was founded, the astrologers prophesied by the Sultans of Gujarat, and of this there that it would be destroyed by Mith," and the can be no doubt, but that long ere the conquest Rajâ thinking this referred to the sea, had of Junagadh by Mahmud Begarha, and long ere strengthened the sea wall, and anointed it with the rule of the Chudasamas was subverted, the ghi to prevent any injury from the sea water, Muhammadan rule was supreme throughout nevertheless he left a record of the prophecy in Nâgher, that is to say from at least Somanath the daftar. Mitha Khân, after examining the Patan to Unâ Delwârâ. The history of the temple, bethonght him of the prophecy, and sea coast of Saurashtra from Juriâ to Bhâvperceived that the temple was destined to be nagar was in early times entirely distinct from destroyed by him, and he accordingly ordered that of the rest of the peninsula, which was stone masons to level it to the ground. On ruled by the Chudasamâs. The extent and seeing this the hearts of the idolaters were in- power of these last chieftains has been much flamed with rage, and they attacked Mitha overrated, and this is clearly shown by inscripKhân, and fought with him, but their efforts tions dated during their role, which, while menwere unavailing, and they were all pat to tioning the paramount Râjâs of Anbilwârâ the sword, and their houses were plundered, and local chieftains of the sea coast, omit in and thereby the Muhammadans derived much many cases (in most indeed) all mention of the wealth.
1. Chudasama. 11 This is a play on the Gujarati word ni'Mithu, meaning salt.