MARCH, 1878.]
[18] महीं महिमतां श्रष्ठ दानाच्छेयोनुपालनं ॥ यानीह दारिद्यभयानरेन्द्रैः धनानि धर्मायतनीकृतानि" ["] निर्माल्यवान्तप्रतिमानि तानि को नाम साधुः पुनराददीतेति-स्वहस्तो मम महाराजश्रीधरसेनस्य ।। [2] दू सामन्तशीलादित्यः ॥ लिखितं सन्धिविग्रहाधिकरणाधिकृतदिविरपतिस्कन्दभटेन ।। सं २५०
फामुन ब १०No. XII.-A GRANT OF DHARASENA IV. native of Anartapura, who dwelt in the The plates on which this grant is written village of Kåsara. It is interesting to note measure 145 inches by 11. The rings and the that he receives the epithet Anurtapura-Chdturseal are missing. Otherwise the plates are vidya, '& Chaturvedi of Anartapura,' which well preserved. The letters resemble those of apparently shows his bheda, or the sub-division the grant published in Ind. Ant. vol. I. p. 16, of the Brâhmaņical community to which he beand are very clear and distinct. Very few longed. On other plates we have before the clerical errors occur, but a considerable portion word cháturvidya the word tat, ie. tachchiof the description of Khara graha I. (Pl. I. turvidya. Our grant shows that in every case 11. 20-23) is merely a repetition of a passage re- the tat refers to the name of the home of the ferring to Dharasena II. The error has been Chaturvedi. caused by the occurrence of the word शतसहस्रो' The object of the grant (Pl. II. 1. 17) is the in both places.
village of Desurakshitijja, situated in The variávali offers nothing new. The two the tâlukâ of Simha pallik a, and in the published grants of the supreme sovereign, great zillâ of Khetaka. The parpose for which it king of kings, supreme lord and emperor Dhara. is granted is the usual one. The two officers sena IV. are dated Samvat 326 and 328.10 named are the data ka, the princess Bhd på I have seen two damaged plates, one preserved (Pl. II. 1. 25), and the divån and chief Secretary, at Walâ, and one now in the collection of the Skanda bhata. The appearance of a female Bombay Branch Royal Asiatic Society, which in an official capacity is rather startling. It is are dated Samvat 322 and Samvat 328. The date explicable only if we assume that she discharged of our grant, Samvat 330, is probably not far the duties of her office vicariously. distant from the end of Dharasena's reign. For an The Skanda bha ta mentioned here is not unpublished grant of his successor, Dhruva- the same as the minister of Guhasena and sena III., is dated Samvat 332. The begin. Dharasena II., as I have formerly conjectured." ning of Dharasena's reign is less certain, as The proof that they are different persons lies only one grant of his predecessor, Dhruvasena partly in the impossibility that one man could II., dated 310, has been found.
hold office during ninety years, from Samvat 240 The grantee is a Rigvedi Brahman of the to Samvat 330, and in the fact that Siladitya Sárkarákshi gotra, N & r & yana mitra, son of I. had Skandab hata's father, ChandraKeśa vamitra (Pl. II. 11. 15, 16), a bhatti, for his Divån in Samvat 286."
Plate 1. [1] ओ स्वस्ति विजयस्कन्धावारादर --- वासकात्प्रसभप्रणतामित्राणां मैवकाणामतुलबल[१] [संपन्नमण्डलाभोगसंसक्तप्रहारशतलब्धप्रतापात्प्रतापोपनतदानमानाजवीपाजिता[२] नुरागादनुरक्तमौलभृतश्रेणीबलावाप्तराज्यश्रियः परममाहेश्वरश्रीभटाळदव्यवच्छिन्नराजव[*] Tafecorreferuaufshafts+49: daarmufa agradati: HC[१] परगजघटास्फोटनप्रकाशितसवनिकषः तत्प्रभावप्रणतारातिचूडारत्नप्रभासंसक्तपादनखरश्मि[9] संहतिः सकलस्मृतिप्रणीतमार्गसम्यक्परिपालनप्रजाहृदयरञ्जनान्वर्त्यराजशब्दो रूपकान्तिस्यैर्य
L. 20, read
L. 18. read TÉLIGT N: 20 Ind. Ant. vol. I. pp. 16, 46.
20 Compare, ...., Ind. Ant. vol. V. p. 209, vol. VI. p. 17. 99 Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. vol. XI. p. 362.