DECEMBER, 1878.]
His son was that glorious one, who is re- thousand kambas was allotted for the angabhôga, nowned under the name of Srl-Kan håra, the rangabhöga, and all the other rites of the and whose commands kings bear upon their god, the holy Sri-Madhava. A field of the heads and thus become happy. Victorious in measure of two hundred kambas was allotted for the world is the king called Kanhars; the the purpose of feeding Brâhmans in the chariwaterlilies, which are his feet, shine brightly table dining-hall of the god Sri-Madhava. among the famous choice jewels in the diadems And another field was given to those Brahmans of all kings (as they bow down before him); he who dwelt at the town of) Brahmapuri, is the sun of the white waterlilies, which are which belonged to the god Sri-Má dhava. the eyes of mankind; he is full of affection for And a rice-field of the measure of two hundred Vasudeva", who disported himself for so kambas, situated in the eastern part of that long a time in the family of Yadu.
same village, was given by him for the purposes Ever victorious is he, the hero, renowned in of that same charitable dining-hall. And, for the world, who has the appellation of Malla, the purposes of that same charitable dining-hall,
-the elder brother of Bicha, and the son of there was given a field of the measure of one Chikkad dva,-who, filling the post of mi- hundred kambas on the south-western side (of nister of that eminent king, has the waterlilies, the land) of Vinayaka. Thus there was which are his feet, always made radiant by the given by him land of the measure of five hun. jewels inlaid in the diadems of other kings; dred kumbas for the purpose of feeding Brah. and who is the right arm of the victorious lordmaņs in the charitable dining-hall of the god of the earth, the king, who was his glorious Sri-Madhava. Bon and was renowned under the name of Sri. And after that, his son, the minister ChaunKanhâra. Armed with the bow, he chas- disaitti, for the purpose of continuing the tises his enemies; through charity, he gives religious act performed by his father, gave, with wealth to the twice-born ; and he is pleasing reference to that same subject, a copper charter by reason of his perfect prosperity, which is to the god, the holy Madhava, and to those nourished by obeisance performed to the feet of Brahmans, and thus made permanent the re(the god) Sri-S8 manatha.
ligious act of his father. Hail! One thousand one hundred and The gôtras and the virtues and the names seventy-one of the Saka years having elapsed of those recipients of the gifts are now written. in the Saumya sarina tsara, on Saturday the (From here,-line 45,-to line 99, the inscripday of the full-moon of the month) Asha dha tion records the names, 8c., of the grantees, and of that (year), under the Pûr V-Åsh Adha the share allotted to each. It is unnecessary to nakshatra and the Vaid hșiti yôga,- at this translate this portion in detail. In line 100 sacred time, while residing at the village of the inscription continues :) Mudugala, he,-the minister called Mal. Thus thirty-two allotments were portioned lisait ti, who was entrusted with authority out and given to the Brahmans.“ over all the dominions of the king,-with his It has been said by the saintly Vedapermission, and at the request of the most pious | Vyksa, that this (grant) should be preserved by Viranâ y a ka, at the time of worshipping all future kings, precisely as if it were a grant his own duity, in the presence of the god) Sri- made by themselves, (in the words) :-"The Sômanâ tha, gave, with libations of water, at earth has been enjoyed by many kings, comthe village called Santheya Bagavadi in mencing with Sagara; he, who for the time the Huvvalli Twelve-villages in the country being possesses land, enjoys the benefit of it"! of Kuhundi, which was a district subject to He is born for the duration of sixty thousand his own authority, some land, marked out by years as a worm in ordure, who confiscates six stones and situated in the southern part of land that has been given, whether by him. that same village, to thirty-two Brâhmaņs of self or by another! (Therefore has) Râma many gôtras, together with the god, the holy said) :-"This general bridge of piety of kings Sri Madhava. A field of the measure of one should at all times be preserved by you, -thus ** Krishnu.
* The shares, however, if added up, amount to thirty. "Sc., Sinnhana's. The constraction is very bad. four And & quarter allotments.