(AUGUST, 1878.
siddhih, i.e. (he who is called) Vishama- the top, the moon; in the centre, the motto siddhi, because ho acquired success by land Sri Vishamasiddhi ; and at the bottom, a lotus. and by sea, in the woods and on the mountains, The plates are well preserved, except towards under difficulties, and against fortresses,' or, the ends of the lines, where they are rather perhaps, because he acquired success against corroded, though they are sufficiently legible. fortresses, difficult of access, (which were situated) The language is Sanskrit, -ungrammatical on land and in the sea and in the woods and on in the details of the grant. The characters are the mountains. In these plates Vishnu var of the usual early Eastern Chaluky a type. dhana I. is styled Mahárúja; the grant must, The Anusvára is written usually above the line, therefore, be subsequent to the formal establish- bat is sometimes irregularly placed ; and in a ment of the Eastern branch of the dynasty. It few cases it is written on the bottom line, was made on the occasion of an eclipse of the e.g., in Chanthirboyasya, 1. 24, Anjasarm mana, moon in the month Sråvaņa. And the date, 11. 28 and 29-30, Vennisarmana, 1. 34, and Manthough it is not referred to the Saka era, is duboyasya, 1. 59. specified more fully in numerical symbols in the It is a grant of Vishnu vardhana II., last line, in the words sain 16 má 4 di 15, i.e. the grandson of Vishnuvardhana I.,
in the sixteenth year and the fourth month (of with whom the genealogy commences. It is his reign), and on the fifteenth day of the dated on Wednesday, the tenth day of the month).
bright fortnight of the month Chaitra, Also, translations of two more copper-plate under the Magh â nakshatra, in the second grants of this dynasty have been given at Ind. year of his reign. The date is not referred Ant., Vol. II, p. 175.
to the Saka era, but it must be somewhere about The inscription now published is another Saka 590 (A.D. 668-9). Eastern Chaluky a grant, from the original This grant, and No. 5 of Major Dixon's r lates, which belong to Sir Walter Elliot, and copper-plates,--a grant of the Western Chafure marked as having been obtained from J. R. luk ya king Vinay aditya-SatyasPringle, Esq. I have no information as to where raya, which is dated when Saka 614 had they were found.
expired," in the thirteenth year of his reign, The plates are seven in number, about 7" on Saturday, at the time of the sun's commencloug by 2" broad. The ring connecting them ing his progress to the north, under the had been cut before they came into my hands ; Rohini nakshatra, -are the earliest instances it is about thick, and 3}" in diameter. The that I have as yet met with of the day of the Noel is rather oval than circular, and has,--at 1 week being named
First plate. ?] Svasti Śrimatâm sakala-bhuvana-saṁstůyamâna-Mânavya-sagôtrâņam Hâriti-putrâņâm sa[] pta-loka-måtribhir-måtribhir-abhivarddhitanamo Kärttik@ya-parirakshana-prâpta-rajyavi
bhavânâm bhaga[°] van-Narayana-prasÂda-sam(sa) và (ma)sâdita-varába-lářicha(iichha)n-êkshana-kshaņa-vasiksit
Asesha-mahi(hi)bhri[ ] tâm mahi(hi)-bhritâm=iv=ichala-sthitinâm asvamedh-avabhřita(tha)-ena n-a panita-Kali
malânâ m Chalu['] kyânîn kulam-alamkarishạnh(shņõh) anka-samara-sâ mghatt-Opalabdha-vijaya-patak
AvabhAsit-abesha-di[°] g-mandalasya Vishnuvarddhana-mahârâjasya paatrah sakal-avati(ni)pati-makata
Second plate; first side. ['] mañjarita-charana-sarôrubasyah(sya) samadhi-kri(kri)gå-samasdita-sarvva-siddhêh
Perhaps two letters, containing the name of another nakshatra also, have been broken away after the word Maghu in l. 66.
. Here, and in a few places below, the mark over the line seems to be, not the Anavara, but the final form of m.