JULY, 1878.)
pariņata vayo vilásenâ pityapariņata satva sampada prithitáneka
guņa gana nidhana bhûtens gathậrba danďatayânukrita VaivasvateIVa. na varnnåáramábhilakshana dakshin disabhigoptum pariyêptavatá pratijana
tena suprajaså parama dhårmmakena bhagavan Kamalodara charananudhyâtena kim bahuna khali yugena Yudhishtirana srimatk Kongani maharajena åtmana pravarddhyamana vipulaiśvarye tritiye savatsare Śråvane mase tithâ våma...
syâyâ âhitâ gnaye Mahasonapura vastavyâya Vå sa Śarmmañ e mathu.... IVb. (totally illegible). V. (wanting). Translation.
(ágrayana), both his arms shining with the May it be well! Sucoess through the ador- gems of hard knobs produced by the drawing able Padmanabha, resembling (in colour) the of his bow for the destruction of (or against cloudless sky.
the deer) the fear of the enemy, his race illumiA sun illumining the clear firmament of the nated by his great and widespread glory, was Jahnavi kula, master of countries born from the Śrimat Madhava ma hadhiraja. rapidity of his own victories, adorned with the The beloved sister's son of Sri Krishņa ornament of a wound obtained in war with Varmma ma hadhiraja - who, being hosts of terrible enemies, was Srimat Kon- anointed with the final ablations of a completed gani Varmma Dharmma mahadhi- ašvamedha, was the sun to the firmament of råja, of the Kanvâyanasa gotra.
the auspicious Kadamba kula-having obtainHis son, inheriting all the qualities of his 1 ed his royal anointing (or coronation on the father, possessing a character for learning and couch of the lap of his divine mother, enjoying modesty, having obtained the honours of the the essence of the three objects of worldly desire kingdom only for the good government of his without one interfering with the other, of a subjecte, a touchstone for testing) gold the mind purified by the acquisition of learning learned and poets, skilled among those who and modesty, his fame acquired by the conthoroughly expound and practise the science of quest of many mighty kings surrounding the politics in all its branches, preserving due lis- three worlds like the unbroken expanse of the tinction between friends and servants, author milk ocean, a lake to the lotus of compassion of a treatise on the law of adoption, was for the bees the eyes of fair women disturbed $rimat Madhava mahadhiraja. by the shower of Kama's arrows, reckoned the
His son, possessed of all the qualities in highest theme of poets, the ablest among the herited from his father and grandfather, having most able, was srimat Kongani mahaentered into war with many elephants (80 that) dhiraja his fame had tasted the waters of the four By his son, successor to the qualities of oceans, of a glory acquired from the equal skill his father, his broad chest embraced by the with which he rode on elephants and horses, arms of one who desired him though assigned of enormous wealth aoquired by the practice of by her father to the son of another, surroundthe four modes of policy, was Srimad Haried by bands of feudatories from all sides subVarmma ma hadhiraja.
jected by the growth of the three powers of His son, devoted to the worship of gurue, increase, having parties of counsellors attached cows and Brâhmaņs, praising the feet of Nára- to him by constant affection and gifts, having yana, was Srimad Vishnu Gopa ma with the sharp sword in his hand cut down the hadhiraja.
hosts of his enemies and with his arms plucked His head parified by the pollen from the them up by the root, of a form glorious with lotuses the feet of Tryambaka, his two arms virtue and set with the gems of the daily imgrown stoat and hard with athletic exercises, proving qualities of the best of men, though having purchased the kingdom with his per- not matured in age yet possessed of ripe virtue, sonal strength and valour, the reviver of many a mine of clusters of distinguished qualities, thousands of long-coased donations for the in punishing according to desert the superior festivals of the gods and endowment of Brih. of Vaivasvata, able in protecting the castes and mans, performer of the offering of firstfruits religious orders which prevailed in the south,