sometimes in 218 A.B.,15 and that the latter incorrect statement is used in order to convict the chroniclers of an inaccuracy (para. 114).
These and other doubts which it would be too long to enumerate induced me to ask Dr. Oldenberg, who is preparing an edition of the Dipavamsa, for the loan of his text, and to examine the work once more. A cursory inspection showed to me that Mr. Rhys Davids' first table does not accurately represent the statements of the Dipavamsa, but, besides a number of minor inaccuracies, contains three important mistakes. The heading of col. 4 ought to be "Chiefship of the Vinaya (vinayaṭṭhána or pámokhatta);" the heading of col. 5 should be "Spiritual Age at Death, i. e. Age reckoning from the upasampadá ordination," and hence the figures put against the names of the first five Theras in col. 1 ought to be removed. I found that the Dipavansa left not the slightest doubt on the necessity of these alterations, and that, if it is interpreted rightly, its history of the Theras contains no absurdities. The text,
though less corrupt in the Therávali than in other portions, nevertheless shows a few mistakes in the figures which can be easily corrected. In order to enable the reader to judge if my interpretation is correct, I give the text of the chief passage, Bhánavára V. 76-106, in full, together with a translation. The text is Dr. Oldenberg's, with whose permission it is published. The translation is my own:
nibbute lokanathassa vassâni solasam ahů | samasaṭṭhi tadâ hoti vassaṁ Upâli panḍitam | 76 | 17 Ajâtasattuchatuvisam Vijayassa solasam ahů | Dâsako upasampanno Upâlitherasantike | 77 | chattâlis'eva vassâni Dâsako nama pandito | Nagadâse dasavasse Pakuṇḍakassa visati | 78 | 19 upasampanno Sonako thero Dâsakatherasantike chattâlisavasso dhiro thero Sonakasavhayo | 79 | 10 Kalasokassa dasavasse Tambapanni-antarâvâse vassam ekâdasam bhave | Siggavo upasampanno Sonakatherasantike | 80 | Chandaguttassa dve vasse chatusaṭṭhi Siggavo tada aṭṭhapaññâsa vassâni Pakundakassa rajino |
15 The first date occurs, e.g. paras. 84, 86, and the second 114 (twice).
[JUNE, 1878. upasampanno Moggaliputto Siggavatherasantike | 81 |
18 Dr. Oldenberg, very judiciously, has not attempted a restoration of the original work, but merely of the coder archetypus, from which the existing modern MSS. have been prepared. He has collected a good many various readings, from which I have selected a few particularly important ones.
17 Second half probably corrupt,-perhaps samasat!ht
Asokadhammassa chhavasse chhasaṭṭhi Moggaliputto aha | aṭṭhachattârisa [vassâni] Mutasivassa rajino Mahindo upasampanno Moggaliputtasss santike | 82 | 30
uggahesi vinayam cha Upâli Buddhasantike | Dâsako vinayam sabbari Upâlitherasantike | uggahetvâna vâchesi upajjhayo.va sâsane | 83 | vâchesi Dâsako thero vinayam Sonakassa pi| pariyâpunitvå vâchesi upajjhâyassa santike |84| Sonako buddhisampanno dhammavinayakovido | vâchesi vinayam sabbam Siggavassa anuppadam | 85 |
Siggavo Chandavajjo cha Sonakasaddhiviharika | vâchesi vinayam thero ubho saddhivihârike | 86 | Tisso Moggaliputto cha Chandavajjassa santike | vinayam uggahetvâna vimutto upadhisamkhaye | 87 |
Moggaliputto upajjhâyo Mahindam saddhivihari. kam vâchesi vinayam sabbam theravadam anûnakam | 88 |
parinibbute sambuddhe Upâlithero mahâjuti | vinayam tava vâchesi tinsa vassam anúnakam |89| saddhivihârikam theram Dâsakar nama panditam vinayaṭṭhâne thapetvâna nibbuto so mahâmati | 90 |
Dåsako Sonakam theram saddhivihârim anuppadam katvå vinayapámokkham chatusaṭṭhimhi nibbuto | 91 |
Sonako chhalabhiññano Siggavam ariyatrajam | vinayatthâne thapetvâna chhasaṭṭhimhi cha nibbuto | 92 |
Siggavo finasampanno Moggaliputtan cha dârakam | katvå vinayapâmokkham nibbuto so chhaBattati | 93 |
Tisso Moggaliputto cha Mahindam saddhivihârikam katvå vinayapâmokkham chhâsitivassambi nibbuto | 94 | 1
chatusattati Upâli cha chatusaṭṭhi cha Dâsako chhasaṭṭhi Sonako thero Siggavo tu chhasattati | asiti Moggaliputto sabbesam upasampadâ | 95 | sabbakalamhi påmokkho vinaye Upâlipandito | paññâsam Dâsako thero chatuchattârisam cha Sonako panchapaññâsavassaṁ Siggavassa aṭṭhasatthi Moggaliputtasavhayo | 96 | Udayo solasa vassâni rajjam kâresi khattiyo | ehhavasse Udayabhaddamhi Upâlithero nibbuto | 97 |
tada hoti thero Upali pandito, or satthivasso t. h. samam Up. 18 The first line is corrupt, see below. For Pakundakassa, Pandurájassa must be read, as Pakundaka is a name of Pandukabhaya.
19 The second line is corrupt, see below.
so Corrupt, see below.
1946. Corrupt, see below.-v. 1. affhatishsamhi. 32 966. Corrupt, see below.