DECEMBER, 1876.]
severely wounded when his life was saved by ses, the third king of the nineteenth dynasty Ptolemy, who in consequence received the name as given in the History of Manetho. of Soter. Arrian, however, refers this incident Idanthyrso8.-Strabo mentions an irrupto the country of the Malli.
tion of Skythians into Asia under a leader of Akesizes. -Now the Chenâb: in Sans- this name, and Herodotos mentions an invasion kpit Asikni, dark-coloured,'-called afterwards which was led by Madyas. As Idant hyrsos Chandrabhaga. “This would have been hellen- may have been a common appellative of all the ized into San drop hagos,-a word so like to Skythian kings, it may be one and the same Androphagos or Alexandrophagos that the fol invasion to which both writers refer. It was lowers of Alexander changed the name to avoid made when Kyaxares reigned in Media and the evil omen,--the more so, perhaps, on account Psammitichus in Egypt. of the disaster which befell the Macedonian fleet Mount Meros.-Mount Meru, the Olympus at the turbulent junction of the river with the of Indian mythology. As a geographical term Hydaspes." - Dictionary of Greek and Roman it designated the highland of Tartary north Geography.
of the Himalaya. Siva was the Indian deity Malli.-They occupied the country between
They propied the country between whom the Greeks identified with Bacchus, as the Akesines and the Hydraotes or Irâvati. The they identified Krishna with Hercules. name represents the Sanskrit Malava, Multân The rock Aornos.-The much-vexed quesbeing its modern representative.
tion of the position of this celebrated rook has Toutapos.- Probably the lower part of the been settled by. General Cunningham, who has Satadru or Satlej.
identified it with the ruined fortress of RaniParenos.- Probably the modern Bugat, situated immediately above the small vilrindu.
lage of Nogrâm, which lies about sixteen miles Saparnos.-Probably the Abbasin. north by west from Ohind, which he takes to
Soanas represents the Sanskrit Suvana, the be the Embolima of the ancients. "Ranigat," sun,' or 'fire'- now the Svan.
he says, " or the Queen's rock, is a large upright The Abissarean s.-The name may repre- block on the north edge of the fort, on which sent the Sanskrit Abisar a.l! A king called RÂja Vara's ráni is said to have seated herself A bisa res is mentioned by Arrian in his Ana- daily. The fort itself is attributed to Raja bcsis (iv. 7). It may be here remarked that the Vara, and some ruins at the foot of the hill are names of the Indian kings, as given by the Greek called Raja Vara's stables . . . I think, therewriters, were in general the names slightly fore, that the hill-fort of Aornos most probably modified of the people over whom they ruled. derived its name from Raja Vara, and that the
Taurunum.-The modern Semlin. ruined fortress of R â ñigat has a better claim
CHAP. V. Megasthenes. -The date of his to be identified with the Aornos of Alexander mission to India is uncertain. Clinton assigns than either the Mahâban hill of General Abbott, it to the year 303 B.C., since about that time an or the castle of Raja Hodi proposed by General alliance was formed between Seleucus and San- Court and Mr. Loewenthal." drakottas (Chandragupta). It is also a disputed
The Cave of Prometheus.--Probably point whether he was sent on more than one
one of the vast caves in the neighbourhood of embassy, as the words of Arrian (Anab. V. 6.),
nah. V. 6.). Bamian. πολλάκις δε λέγει 'αφικέσθαι παρά Σανδράκοττον τον
Sibw.- A fierce mountain tribe called Sia'Ivdav Baoiléa, may mean either that he went pul or Siapush still exists, inhabiting the Hindu on several missions to Sandrakottus, or merely Kush, who use to this day the club, and wear the that he had frequent interviews with him. From skins of goats for clothing. According to CurArrian we further learn regarding Megasthenes tius, however, the Sivæ, whom he calls Sobii, that he lived with Tyburtius the satrap of Ara- occupied the country between the Hydaspes chosia, who obtained the satrapies of Arachosia and Akesines. They may have derived their and Gedrosia 323 B.C. Sandrakottus died about name from the god Siva. In the neighbourhood B.c. 288.
of Hardwar there is a district called Siba. Sesostris has been identified with Ram- CHAP. VI. The Silas.-Other forms are
|| Lassen, Ind. Alt. IL. 163.