(JUNE, 1876.
intelligent, and had overcome the eight seif- conceits (garva). He was the spirit himself (átmavant), ** had a perfect knowledge of the essence (sára),tt and despised all the sciences. 11
Goddess! He had taken upon himself the vow only and solely to wash the trowsers, sashos, coats, jackets, turbans, mattresses, covers, clothes of females, bodices and other clothes of the bhaktas, $$ Bhůrudras, II| munindras, 1 amala brahmachârins, MAheśvaras, + prasadins, pråņaliñgins, & saraņas, I and aikyas, T (to be short) of all those who attended to the vari- ous (soiva) ordinances. Be it in Svarga, Sat. yaloka, or on earth, the excellent cleverness in cloth-washing** of Virasen att of the pra såda brahmacharin, It of the stern one,SS was the wonder of the worlds. My dear! The washermen (rajaka)|||| in Svarga, Satyaloka, and on earth desired to see him daily delivering the clean clothes of the Prainathendras, 1 Virak tas, * and Mahâtmans. Venerable one! in continually washing the various garments of the gurus I in the town he was serving The Gananayakas | perpetually used to stay in the house of stern Vîrasena, as they were anxious to see his service. All the gañadhipas T on my mountain ** heard of the stern one's faithfulness in his vow of clothes-washing, and rejoiced. Gauri! I also, together with thee, was always in his house, and longed continually to see the performance of the) vow which was worthy of the vratins, tt and rest-
ed upon the thought of overcoming the world (Lokajaya), 41 (to see the virtuous vow (filavrata) $8 of the Mahatman, which (vow) was world-pure, presenting all riches, and glorious.
Thou with the handsome face! When the people and the rulers of the people heard that he did not desire anything mean (pråkritanirmoha), II but washed the clothes of the Viraśaivas, Garns, and Yogins, † they said: “Virasena, at once abandon the talk about refusing to wash the garments of the world, I and wash our garments too!" When Virasena heard the words of these persons of mean bodies (praksitadehin), & he, who alone was honoured by the world, was silent for & moment, and then said to the people and the heads of the people : "I am one who is occupied in Virasaiva works,** am honoured by the world, it and have a vow.It How do you dare to ruin my virtuous work among these people $$?" As soon as the people and the princes of the people|||| heard that, they became blind from pride, full of delusion, tormented with immense selfishness, and subject to sinful nature and great wrath. (But, thou with the handsome foce, what shall I say regarding the ruin of those rulers of the earth who in the world try to ruin the vows of the good ? What did the yogin care for the bad language and the power of them who were seized by the darkness of pride ?
** C.: jfva-svarpin. ++ C.: he knew the sankalpas ard vikalpas. it C.: sabda, tarka, ved&nta, mimimaa, slökhya, yoga. 65 C.: the bhaktasthalas, i.e. simply bhaktas.
C.: Årådhyag. TT C.: Atitis. This is probably a Tadbhava of atithin, a person wandering about, jangama.
0.: viraktas and ghana lingas. + 0.: mahes varasthalas. I C.: prag & dasthalas. $ 0.: pranali i gasthalas. 1 People that have taken refuge with Siva, dependents. C.: saranasthala s.
TC.: aikyasthalas. Here is seen the peculiar use that the Lio'llytas make of the term sthala; in these cases it is simply expletive. As one list of their six sthalas (in this case the word is neuter) we have here-bhakta sthala, mlhesvara sth., prasada sth., prAnaliñiga sth., sarana sth., and aikya sth.
** C.: kaya ka. HC.: of the madiv&ļa (washerman) who was an svatars of Virabhadra.
tt C.: person who has the firm belief that the ten tirthas and the eleven seshas are Siva.
SS C.: who was stern on account of the lifiga-box (tai) being tied to his neck, on account of the dangling ends of the ash of the short breeches round his loins, on account of the bundle of washed clothes on his back, on account of the drawn sword in his right hand, and on account of the bell in his left.
I O.: the madivlss who have been born of thy rajas, Gauri.
IT C.: bhaktas. The pramath&s, with the LingAytas, form a number of primitive divine beings around Siva, and their gana is different from the gans of the Rudra . C.: nirdbharins. + 0.: mahants. I C.: bha ktamsheśvaras. $ 0.: in the mathes and gehas of the town.
C.: Lifiga vantag. I C.: pramathan & yaksa. **0.: Bajatagiri. it .: Linga vantas of a kayaks.
11 C.: of overcoming the bhavins (bhavis, i.e., people subject to transmigration, worldlinge, non-Linglytas).
$$ C.: k&yaka.
NO C.: that he did not desire to wash the clothes of the bhaving.
TI O.: Liñigavantas. * C.: Årådhyas. + 0.: of the vira kt&s, atitis, and ghanalings. I C.: of the bhavina.
C.: of these people who had bhavitva tange. I C.: by the Liñigavantas. TC.: who were all bhavis. de 0.: i.e., & Liigavanta. tt O.: am & well-known man among the Liñgarantas.
11 C.: the stls of the kåyaka connected with clean clothes.
&$ .: the Liñgavantas of Ratnamálapura. DI C.: who were bhavis. TTC.:ling & fig&sangin.