[MARCH, 1875.
the Isht Deva. He rode upon an elephant huge friendship can I have with Grå ha ripu, who as a mountain. On mounting, the first object annoys Brahmaņs and obstructs pilgrims? He the Raja beheld was a jar filled with water-- is worthy to be destroyed: he carries off other great omen of good. The eunuch on the Rija's men's wives; he destroys Prabhasa Tirtha left hand kept crying, "In a moment will I and plunders the country. He is rejoiced when he throw down the house of Grå haripu, and you has slain with the sword those in the act of pershall with ease overthrow his castle." As the forming sacrifices. By hunting there, he has procession passed through the bazar, the people defiled the great place of pilgrimage-Girnar, cast flowers, fruit, akshat, &c. in the way before famous throughout the world. With such a the Raja.
Mlechha how can I be friendly ? Go to GrahaMula raja's deceased father, Raja, had two ripu and tell him to meet me on the borders brothers, Bija and Dandaka, both de- of Sorath with his army." ceased ;-their sons did not serve Mularâja.] Grâharip u hearing this, joyfully prepared
Where the army of Mularâja balted, traders for battle: the kings in alliance with him, and plied their callings as in their shops in the city, those he had subdued, also made ready armies and thus they pursued their way to the river at his command. With him were many Mewa. Jam bu mâli.
si Bhillas. His friend Lakh a too, with The Fourth Sarga.
his army. The sons of Grå haripu's wife A servant of Gråharipu's came where Nili aud his other wives got roady. The warMularája was encamped on the Jambu. riors wore iron armour. As he set forth, many mali river and said "O Râja, why have evil portenty encountered Gråharipu, and you come hither? My name is Dranåsa, Pretas, Pisachas, &c., that drink human blood, Graharip has sent me to inquire." (He followed his army. His wife wrote in the Ya. had come, however, of his own accord.) "Have vana languaget to her sons who dwelt at the the Brahmans invited you, making false com- Bhadar river-famous in Sorath-to call plaints that they suffer injury? My Raja does them to the war. Grå haripu advanced with harm to no one without cause : what they say his army to the Jambu mali river. The Sinis false. What enemy have you in this coun- dhu Raja, whose kingdom was on the shores try? my Raja is your friend. Is it to hunt on of the ocean, brought an army and with it the Jambumali river or in the mountains occupied the south. Là khâ, the Raja of that you have come? When the Yada vas Kachh, sent for the joshis and inquired of came to this country they used liquor, so there them: they predicted his death in the conflict, is no sin in using liquor in this land : is that but he set forth desiring to die in battle and why you have come? Or is it because Raja attain to Svarga. Lákhâ cries Shame to him LÅkhå of Jartradesa (? Jatwada) and his whose youthful deeds no one has witnessed ! soldiers annoy you that you bave come hither The days of my life are counted; how shall i to take counsel with my prince? Or havo you know their span?' When Mula râja saw come merely out of friendship to visit Gråha- the enemy arrived he prepared nis army. ripu? Or is it to see Somanatha Maha
The Fifth Sarga. deva, or to perform pilgrimage at Sankho- The Raja of Silaprastha, who was with dhâr in Sorath? If any of these be the Malarâja, twanged his bow: the twelve reason, why have you brought no large an army? kinds of music began to sound. Mularaja Besides, you have no quarrel with Graha- and his younger brother Ganga maha, Raja ripu, nor can there live who quarrel with him. of Gangadhar, with his friend Rovati. I see anger in your eyes and you make no reply. mitra Râja, prepared for the fight. With I will go and make this known to my Raja at Mularâja were Bhillas: there were many once."
RÂjas with him, and, regarding Gråharipu', The RÂja answered him-“You are bold that army as weak, they determined to give battle speak thus in my presence : men like you are few at once. There was a Mirwad Rajat in Mulaamong the liquor-drinkers of Sorath, What rája's service, followed by Marwadis wearing • Tod's Travels in Western India, p. 168.
siyoji, the son of Seth Rlthod the ancestor of the + Probably Sindhi, or perhape Persian
hopees of Jodhpur and Idar-Ras Mau, vol. I. p. 60,