[NOVEMBER, 1875.
not differ in person from the tutelary deity of the of Kartika, on the Sravaņa Nakshatra in the family. 4. She who was his wife, and observed year of Vikrama Samvatsara 1856, or the era all duties towards him, reminds us, by her pure of Salivahana 1721 (i.e. A.D. 1800). 12. Then actions, of the wives of Atri and Vasishtha, his wife, generous in all her qualities and bearAnasuya and Arundhati. 5. She manifested ing excellent conduct on the earth, was incarherself on the earth for the protection of men, nate like another Târå whose fame had spread being equal to her name in person, i.e. resem- beyond the seas. 13. She, Krishna by name, bling the old Ahalya (the wife of Gautama), erected a palace in form like an air-chariot, and incarnate in the form of a queen here in order and in beauty like the palace of Indra, in to put down by force all quarrels and disputes. order to fulfil the already commenced object 6. He who having obtained (for his support) of her husband. 14. On Thursday the 7th day (ahalyd) the great devotee of Mahadeva, through in the bright half of Vaisakha, in the year of her favour was known as the great and gener. Vikrama 1890 (i.e. A.D. 1834), she placed the ous Subhedar, endowed with wealth, good image (of Ahalya) with Siva (in the temple). conduct, bravery, and other qualities. 7. This 15. Having here placed with devotion, close to was T u koji, who in the splendour of a king the image of Siva, A haly & who had attained was the jewel of his extensive kingdom. Then a divine position by her conduct, and having his son, who was great in his fame, extending thought of placing Siva close to her image, 16. the forests on the banks of the four seas, 8. She, Krishna, placed the linga of Siva And who had exacted tributes from his enemies before the image which appears in the name whom he had destroyed by his fierce dagger of A haly es vara declaring her final sal. that was set off by his terrible hands, shone vation. as the great king Yash vantrao. 9. Then There is not much of poetry in these verses, observing the Narmada, beautiful between her but they serve the purpose for which they were two banks, and the robe of her current flowing intended. The line of the Holkar family has to the south of the town Mâhiśma ti (Mahe. been traced from its founder, Malharrio, śvara), and thinking of Ahaly à as resting on to Krishna Bái, the adoptive mother of her lap, 10. And with the hope that his ser- the present Maharaja, H. H. Tukoji Rao vices towards her be promulgated through other Holkar, G.C.S.I. I have dwelt upon this worlds, the generous king thought of erecting monumental building at length, as it carries first a ghat on her bank, and then a palatial with it a good deal of historical interest, in tomb. 11. The foundation-stone was laid on the | which the present generation participates to a morning of Monday the 12th of the bright half considerable extent.
A COPPER-PLATE GRANT FROM U DAYPUR. The plate is a facsimile of a copper-plale
Śri Râmji. grant belonging to the Udaypur Darbar. It
(Lance of Salumbra). was the subject of a dispute a few years ago, as to the possession of the ground granted by
SAHA-(The Ránd's monogram). it. As Mokal Raņa is said to have ruled from
Siddha Sri Mahârânâji Sri Sri Mokal Sig. Samvat 1454 to 1475, there seems to be some ji kâ datt pardatt Bamaņa Bada Dhayalâ vádiscrepancy in the date of the grant. When la na gam Kavali, udaka jami bigå Chonda renounced the throne of Chittur in 2200 ashar hajár do do-se nim-sim sufavour of this Mokal, it is said he stipulated di suraj parbi ma Råmå arpaņa kar di that in all grants to the vassals of the crown dî, ja ko tâmpå patar kar di do. Aniri ko his symbol (the lance of Salumbra) should pre- akshachal karsi, jî na Sri Aklinganacede the monogram of the Raņå: this is shown tha pugsi. Samvat 1427, mati Mâhâ on the plate, of which the following is a tran- Sudi 13. Dasgat Pancholi Mana Lálascript:
• Rama arpan corresponds among the Solar race, as remarked by Major J. W. Watson, to the Krishnarpan of the Lunar race; both terms imply an irrevocable grant.