MARCH, 1875.]
all heretical teaching. He then proceeds to direct him to worship each of the Buddhas of the different regions of space, beginning with Ak. shobya of the eastern region, down to Vairojana, who is placed in the nadir.
() Fo-shroo-tt-shing-pih-fuh-siang-king (Bad- dha declares what are the hundred marks of merit belonging to the Great Vehicle). This Sútra was delivered at Srâvasti, in a palace called Po-Min. The interlocutor is Manjusri. In it is given the names of the 80 inferior signs and the 32 greater signs on Buddha's person, also 80 symbols or figures found on the soles of his feet.
(p) Man-chu-sse-li-man-po-ti-king (Manjusri inquires as to the character of Bodhi). This Sûtra was delivered in Magadha, on Mount Gaya, in the presence of all the Bhikshus, and those Brâhmans who had been converted by Buddha; the subject of it is the nature of that condition of mind called the "heart of Bodhi" (esprit de Bodhi).
(a) Wou-tsun-hwui-pou-sah-king (The Sutra of Akchyamati Bodhisatwa). This Sutra was delivered at Rajagriha, on Mount Gridrakuta, in the presence of 1250 Bhikshus. The inter- locutor is Ak chya mati, who inquires of Buddha the nature of the heart of Bodhi (as in the previous Sutra).
(r) Ta-shing-sze-fa-king (The Sútra of the four rules of the Great Vehicle). This is the same as the Mahayana-chaturdharmaka Sátra. It was delivered at Srâvasti, in the garden of Jeta (and has already been referred to).
(8) Fo-shwo-ta-shing-sze-fa-king (Buddha de- clares the four laws of the Great Vehicle). This Sätra has already been referred to.
(1) Fo-shwo-pou-sa-sheor-hing-sze-fa-king. Another translation of the above.
(u) Fo-shwo-tsing-nieh-chang-king (Buddha narrates the obstacles in the way of a pure karma). This Sutra was delivered when Buddha was dwelling at Vaisali, in the garden of the amra trees, in the presence of 500 Bhikshus and 32,000 Bodhisatwas Mahasatwas. It relates to a conversation between a courtesan and a Bodhisatwa called Vimala nirbhâsa (wor- hu-kwong). The former, having used her magic arts, prevails over the Bodhisatwa. After this, being seized with intense remorse, he comes to Buddha; the latter comforts him by an as- surance that all such things are as a shadow
and a dream, on which the Bodhisatwa is reassured. Manjusri then enters into a discussion with Buddha relating to the character of the Great Vehicle.
(v) Tching-u-ta-shing-kung-til-king(Buddha praises the superior excellency of the Great Vehicle). In this Sutra Buddha describes the superiority of the Heart of Bodhi, and from that proceeds to define the infinite virtue of the Great Vehicle. (This Sûtra was translated from Sanskrit by Hiwen Tsang.)
(w) Ta-shing.fang-kwang-tsung-chi-king (The Sûtra which describes the nature of the Dha. rani, used in the Yoga system of the Great Vehicle). This Sätra was delivered at Rajagriha, on the Gridrakuta mountain, in the presence of 62,000 Great Bhikshus. It contains certain Dharani.
(*) Wou-shang-i-king (The Sûtra of the highest reliance). This Sûtra, which is in two parts, contains an account of the relative merit of various actions. It was delivered in the Kalanda venuvana, before 1250 Bhikshus and various Bodhisatwas.
(y) Fo-shwo-lo-niu-yin-king (The Sutra in which Buddha describes the conduct of an aged woman). This Satra was delivered by Buddha at a place called Lo-Yin (musical sound), before 800 Bhikshus and 10,000 Bodhisatwas. He describes the conduct of an aged woman who desired to offer him a religious gift. Having only two small coins (mites) she purchased with them a little oil; taking this to a sacred place, she used it in a lamp, to burn for his honour. The lights of all the Brahmans were extinguished, and hers alone burnt incessantly.
(2) Fo-shwo-chen-tseu-king (Buddha relates the history of Så ma). This is the Sama Jataka referred to before.
(aa) Tin-wong-tai-tseu-Pi-Lo-King (The Sutra of Pi-Lo, the eldest son of a heavenly king-(Devaraja). This Sutra gives an account of Devaraja-kumara-Pi-Lo's visit to Buddha, during which he recites the history of the Great Brahman, which is identical with the Avadâna translated by Stas. Julien, called "Le roi et le grand tambour" (Les Avadūnas, tome I, No. 1).
(66) Fo-shwo-o-che-shai-wong-shar-ku-king (The. Sûtra of Ajatasatru's assurance). This Sûtra was delivered at Rajagriha, on the top of the mountain Gridrakuta, and contains an account of Ajata satru's visit to Buddha, and