MARCH, 1874.)
his enemies, the Jadavs, expelled them (from had two beautiful daughters. A Râthor Rajput thence).
with Asal's son married the elder daughter, Seven generations after Akhiraj, Debba and going to Mondetâ acquired several villages, succeeded him in the chiefdom, and this chief, became the lord of a petty chiefdom and was in the Samvat year 1372, left Châtranga and called Thîkarî. Asal Dabhi's son marconquered Kheda gadh, driving out the ried the younger daughter, but being ashamed Kora...bhâs. The following Duhê is said con- of his conduct, and dreading to meet his castecerning this conquest :
fellows, instead of returning to Edar he went डेभा दस वाटे कीधा नरवन कोरंभा
to the Choteylî Hill, near Åbu, and there per
formed severe penances before the shrine of the खेड गढ खाटे बेठो पाट बे ओतरे॥१॥
Bhateóri Mata. The Mâta, being pleased with Debh, you have dispersed in all directions his austerity, looked favourably on him, and the crowd of Korambhâs,
directed him to go to the Sirohi Rajâ, who And having conquered Khedagadh you have would give him some territory. He accordseated yourself on the throne in the year 72. ingly went, and the Sirohi Rajå granted him
The Dá bhis retained Khedagadh until the Roh Sarotri Chorisi. As he had been sucexpelled by the Råthors, 41 generations after cessful in obtaining this estate through the Debha, in the time of Sh&1 Dâ bhi, who, favour of the Bhateśri Mother, he assumed the escaping the massacre, established himself at name of Bhateśria, which is borne by his Bhinmal. Eight generations, however, before descendants to this day. The Bhatesrills Shál Dá bhi, during the chiefdom of Duda, still own lands in Roh Dabela Sarotrî, etc. I the D Abhis conquered Bhiladigad h from am not acquainted with the name of Asal the Kachavahûs, and made Bhiladi gadh Dá bhi's son, but it was probably A val their capital, while still retaining Kheda- DAbhi, after whom the village of Aval was gadh, a share in which, however, at this time named. This Aval was & noted freebooter, belonged to the Gohel clan. I am unable to say and the following couplet is said of him, alludwhether this share was acquired by the Gohelsing to his raids :from the Dá bhis, or whether the D & b his
आवळ घोडा दुबळा केम : नदी नीलो घास conquered Khedagadh in concert with the
उलटे बांध्या जव चरे : पाणी पीये बनास Gohels, but perhaps the former supposition is the more probable. Five generations after Å val, why are (thy) horses lean? Duda, and three generations anterior to The grass in the river grows green: Shál Dá bhi, Someśvar Dá bhi, the They eat barley in their mangers, then Chief, granted the village Sotámla to a And drink the water of the Banks. bard named Mehraj in sdsin, and his descend- The following poetry is said of the Da bhis ants enjoy laud in Sotâmla to this day. Shâl and their principal seats of government :D Abhi had a son named Salkhansi, who
taita. was succeeded by his son Åderâm. Å derâm
प्रथम घढ प्रमाण राज दुणो रखे hada son named Asal D Abhi. Å sal D Abhi, it is suid in consequence of a domestic quarrel, काशमेर घढ कोट सोळ पेढी घर सख्खे left Bhinmal and took service at Edar, where त्रीजो घढ तंबोल राज पेढी दस रहीओ the Chief of that principality made him one of
चोथो घढ शेतरंज सात पेढी घर सहीओ his Sirdars and gave him the command over
RohomeT DADhimade Bhiladi | खाग तणो बल खेड लुणो सुत अरजण लीधो gadh the seat of his rule, and firmly estab- dat as gifta ratat ITSTA UT lished himself there, bringing under his rule five
भडां खाग बल भीलडी लाखण सुत दुदे लीयो hundred villages. His son, who had remained at Edar, went towards Asival with 10,000 horse artisti tra GT ETT ETT T T to collect tribute, and arrived at Kalikot, near The first seat was Praming ad h;t doubly Asával, where Káli Bhill re gned. This Bhill extending their rule,
• Kachaváha Bhills. + This may mean that they retained Parshoingadh, from which it is statod above that they originally sprung.