[NOVEMBER, 1874.
On the inside of the lintel over the north door of the mandap was discovered an inscription, of six lines, in characters more obliterated than could easily have been the case with an inscription never exposed to the action of the rains, &o. The characters are those of the 9th centary, and have been thus transliterated and translated by Dr. Bhâu Dâji (Jour. Bomb. Br. R. As. Soc. vol. IX. p. 220): शकसम्बत् ७८२ जेठ सुद ९ सुके समधिगताशेष पञ्च महा
शब्द महामंडलेश्वरादि पहिरिपुदैत्यदलनदामोदर सरणागतवनपजरीत्यादिसमस्तराजावालविराजमानमहामण्डले
श्वर श्रीमहम्बाणिराजदेवः एतत्समस्तजात्यधिताभव समुद्धमनमहामात्य श्रीविगपयस्तथा महाप्रजनः श्रीनागणेयस्तथा
लेखसन्धिवियहिक श्रीवेकरेयस्तथा महासांविविग्रहिकश्रीजाग लैयस्तथा भाण्डागार प्रथम सपमिसेन महादेव यस्तथा द्वितीय
खमभाइले यादिप्रधा- श्रीकरणाद्विहितकल्याणविजयराज्य
वृद्धतश्री महाराजगुरुणाभालघराजगुरुश्रीविकल्लासिदभस्मकाणापिवयकम हासामंतश्रीता-वरा-लेकारापकेनभूत्वा श्रीभाम्रनाथदेवकु - - T
- TYATT RTI OG महामण्डलेश्वर समाछित्त राजदेवस्य भवनं संपादित
Translation. "In Saka Samvat 782 (A.D. 860), the 9th day of the bright half of the month Jetha, Fri. day, (during the reign of) the Mahamandalesvara Sri Mahavånirajadeva, who has obtained the title of Mahamandalesvara, (also) the five great insignia of royalty, &c., who is a Dåmo. dara (Vishnu) in punishing his enemies the
Daityas, a cage of adamant to those seeking his protection, &c., and resplendent amongst the row of råjas,----whose various officers were the large-minded Mahamatya (chief minister), Sri Vigapaya, also Mahậptajana (the chief relative), Sri Naganaiya, also Lekha Sandhi Vigrahika (secretary), Sri Dheka Dheya, also Mahasandhi Vigrahika Sri Jagalaiya, also Bhân dâgâraprathama (chief treasurer), Sapayisena, also the second (treasurer) Mahadevaya, also Khamabhaileya, and other ministers: whilst under their auspices the administration of the kingdom was successful and beneficent, there flourished Sri Mahârâja Guru, and Sri Bhallagharâja Guru, also Sri Vikallasida Bhasmaka (3 letters lost), and they, at the desire of Mabásârnanta Šri, having undertaken the construction, the temple of Sri Amranatha (2 letters lost) was restored in stone. The house of Mahamandalesvara of Udanya (?) Samachitta Raja Deva was (also) constructed."
As the present position of this inscription can scarcely be its original one, it seems probable that the present temple is a restoration, or has been rebuilt of the materials, of the one raised in A.D. 860.
It need hardly be added that all the roofs are of stone, constructed in the manner described by Mr. Fergusson in his History of Architecture. And the whole has been painted, -though nothing but the faintest indication of it is now traceable.
(Continued from p. 12.) The Minister and the Fool.
about in God's kingdom, and where he places A fool was sitting by the side of a village me there I remain for the day." Seeing the fool's road digging holes in several places. Now it trust in God, the minister felt kindly towards happened that the Raja's minister passed by him and inquired if he had any kinsfolk. The that way, and seeing the strange appearance of fool said he had a father, and the minister asked the fool he said to him, "Why are you digging where he was ; the fool replied, "Why should holes on the side of the road ? people passing by he be with me?" The minister, seeing his foolwill put their feet in them and fall down ; did you ishness, said, “Will you come and live in my not think of that?" The fool replied, “Why house?” The fool asked, “What shall I do should they fallin ? I have not dag in the middle there P" and the minister answered, "You will of the road; only those who leave the straight water my trees and flowers, and get food and road and come off the path will fall into my clothing." Then the fool came quickly towards him pit." The minister then asked what was his and consented, and went with him to his house. occupation, and where he was going. The fool Now a pair of birds had built their nest in answered, "I do no work at all, but I wander the minister's garden, and one day the hen saw