(a.) Find the nakshatra in which the sun is on the same day. This will be found from the sign of the zodiac. Then, commencing with Pushya (8th nakshatra), find what the number of this nakshatra is. (B.)
Add a and B: the sum gives the number of the yoga for the day. If the result of a + B is more than 27, subtract 27 (the total number of yogas), and the result gives the number of the yoga for the day..
The length of a yoga varies from a maximum of 64 ghaliges to a minimum of 54 ghaliges, and does not necessarily agree with the tithi of the day.
Yogas are divided into good, bad, and indifferent.
5th. Karanas are eleven in number, and divided into variable and invariable.
Variable. 1. Bava. 2. Bålava.
3. Kadlava.
4. Taitila.
5. Garaje.
6. Vanije. 7. Vishti.
Invariable. 8. Sakuni.
9. Chatuspad.
10. Någa.
11. Kimstaghna.
"They answer successively to half a tithi or lunar day, Kimstughni being always assigned to the first half of the first tithi, and the variable karanás succeeding each other regularly through eight repetitions. They are followed by the three remaining invariable karanás, which conclude the month-Chatuspad and Naga appertaining to Amavasya or the new moon, and Sakuni being appropriated to the latter half of the preceding tithi." (Colebrooke, ut supra.)
The Kanarese people reckon the months according to the Chandramana, i.e. movements of the moon, and each month derives its name from the constellation in which the moon happens to be when full-moon.
The Tamil people, on the other hand, reckon the months by the Surya mana, i.e. movements of the sun: hence the two do not agree.
In the Kanarese calendar, every third year there is an extra month called Adi Mâsa (Adhika Mása).
"Sri Makha" Nama Samvatsara Ashvayuja
Year Sri Mukha, Month Aávayuja.
[MAY, 1874.
2 3
8 Su || So-Pra 45-15. Ha 60-10. Subram 13-32. Ki12-49. Di 21-29 || Mahatridriti-praveśum 32-44Nirgama 44-30-Jya 4 Ku 13Danhitri krita mahalayum-Saran nava rátrôtsava prarambhaKalasa sthapanâ, mudayade, sardha sapta guntaka mantraBhu 1-18. Cha 29.
9 Ma. Dvi 49-32. Ha 4-32, Bram 1433–Bá 18-23. Di 29-17|| Uttara phalguni 4. Budha 16 Pritidvitiyâ-Chandrôdayum uttara érigounnte. Bhu 1-23. Cha 30.
24 10 Bu. Tri 52-52. Chi 9-48. Ai 14-28. Tai 21-29. Di 24-48. || Aha 30-4. Talâynam 40-38. Maghi 2. Su 9. Stana vriddhi Gauri vṛittam. Dagdha yoga, Bhu 1-33. Śâbân
chând 1.
The above is a transliteration of 3 lines of the Panchanga, and gives the necessary astrological information for each of the three days selected as examples.
It will be observed that the abbreviations are nothing more than the initial letters of the vara, tithi, nakshatra, yoga, karand, and planets, which follow each other in regular order.
Col. 1 gives the English month and dates. I have taken the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of October.
Col. 2. The Tamil month and dates. Col. 3. The Kanarese month, dates, and astrological data.
Taking Col. 3 for the 22nd of October'Su'-Stands for Suda, and means the beginning of the bright fortnight, and is the first day of the Kanarese month Aévayuja.
So. Somavara, Monday.
'Pra. Prathama, the Sanskrit name for padyami, the first tithi.
45-15. 45 ghaliges 15 vighaliges, the duration of the tithi; counting from sunrise during Monday. This is not necessarily the full dura tion of the tithi; some portion may have elapsed during the previous day. If 45g. 15. be deducted from 60 ghaliges [the full time in ghaliges from sunrise to sunrise of a day], the balance gives the duration of the next tithi. In the present case it would be 14g. 45v. 'Ha.' Hasta, 13th nakshatra.