NOVEMBER, 1873.)
They are always talking, Ishun hemisha gápé kuzne This is some of the finest fruit I have ever She is playing with her sister, Yanoge háre kha seen, Moe mivae klibter on le me eshbur me ne heresh bozi.
dizú. Before he comes I shall have finished my dinner, This is the longest way, Moe rae druster on.
Pish az in getó mé chome nim ru yu ehre. That is the nearest road to our house, Tuleze mo When you come, shut the door, Her vaht geta to mora i názikter on. he bare pishko.
To have. They are looking at the ship, Ishren trape józ
I havo pens, ink, and paper, Me klem, morakabo, e vinen.
kógez dóre. Do you expect him ? Shumó omide in hi?
He has a good pen-knife, In chigo klemtrushi khili Imperfect Tense.
You had many friends, Sluno khaili dúst dusiti. I was walking when I met him, Vahti ké mé in
They had many enemies, Ishún Ichaili dósiuman omdi me durte rá repte.
dóshten Was he sitting on the chair P In ri khorsi nasht abo?
He had this disease yesterday, In heze khástá bo. He was working at that time, In o vahte dort kór
I shall have dinner to-day at four o'clock, Me emru sheka.
sáti chór chome kloré. She finished her tale yesterday, Yanoge héze máte
They shall have their reward, Ishrun enhum sho losh shetvunka (Woman yesterday tale her
gúren. finished).
He shall not have my bread, In nine mesh nárese. Were you not standing at the door P Smó pishe
She shall not have my book, In yanoge daftari me • bare né hishtuza bohi ?
shnáte. For how much did you sell your horse P Shmó ásp
| We may have rain to-day, Emru wórom wé wore. do, do chen herát ?
Let me have my own knife, Chago mé mati. They drove the boy away, Ishun o pórogesho, bár ká,
Let her have her desire, Vei kholicshesh vékra. They saw not his sorrow, Ishun dilgiri in sho, nádi.
Have patience, Sávr ko. I did not expect such a reply, Me Omidi mose
Have you any flowers P Slimó echi gul dóri. juvopi nábvoe.
I shall have some to-morrow, Mé herdo chenini Did you sing P } Shmo dokhen.
túre. You did sing.
Have they money P Ishun aldi dúren ? Why did you shout for aid ? Chera bru maded shm6
They have none, Ishun echi ná duren. vóch do durt. He is the silliest boy I ever saw, In watche nápa
Dialogue I. mion geme eshbor me ne didah.
Good morning, Sir! Sabo kheire Sóheb ! The house is very high, Kezá khaili blend on. I hope you are well, Omide ma ke shmo khib hi. It is better to be poor and happy than to be rich Very well, I thank you, Khaili khib on, merabuni
and miserable, Garit béo khoshulle water on bó. gé aldirula (aldidor) bé o no khósh bé.
I hope all the members of your family are in good Of all jewels the diamond is the most precious,
health, Omid dore ke heme odame wabilado Almos geruntere hemá javoheri on.
tendrest hen. He is the eldest brother, In bzúzere máster on. I am glad to say they are quite well, Me kháshule She is the youngest sister, In khahere káster on. I ke véveje ke hemáshu lehib hen. I came later to-day, Me emru dirter oma he.
Do you think it will rain P Shmo pámi ge wbrumme The wind is much stronger to-day than it was
tú ? Shmo khiuldo rasa ke wórum me tú. yesterday, Emru woz haili xur weshtere here I do not think it will rain, Me khiul merasa ke dora.
wórumma nó té. Lead is heavier than iron, Kloi sengintere óhen on. The weather has been very hot the last two weeks, This is the highest mountain of this country, Mo Mo do haptai ke sho hovó khaili gárm bo. koi mástere mo die hon.
Farewell! Khodúfez shmó. It is nobler to forgive an injury than to revenge it, Good evening! How do you do P Rushku yáká ! Asset vebakhshi water on ke dushmanoi vékre.
Khib o khásh hi? My horse runs faster than yours, Aspi me shákhtere As usual, Rave hemisheh. aspe to dosa.
How is your brother P Bzúzerdo che tour on? He is the politest gentleman I ever met with, Maso He is not very well, In pori khib né. odeme najibio khibi me isbur né disa.
Give him my compliments, Dwoslume me ushveYou have come sooner than I expected, Slmó uéter rannen. oméde me ome hi.
Thank you, Merabuni bo.