[NOVEMBER, 1873.
Madhva sastra, and being a full servant of raba Timmappa, well dost thou stand (there, O the great Hayavadana, the strong Madhva. Krishna !)." Speaking somewhat allegorically charya shone on earth."."Believo in the good about the ashes used for the marks on the foremaster of the best guru, Madhva muni!” head, Varaha Dåsa observes : “That Smartas “On the orbit (of the earth), in the great put on the name (the sectarian mark on the Kudums pura (Udupu ?), excessively shines forehead of Vaishnavas) and largely spread and appears to devotees the love of Krishna, the name of Hari, is a right thing! Put on who is the lord of Madhva."
ashes ! Suddha Vaishnavas have heard and (Madhva - ) Haya va dana sings: "Quick. know the root of them." ly kill the wicked people, O good (nalla) lord Vijaya Disa ntters the following: "He of Madhva! If thou dost not kill, the wicked
the wicked who joins the feet of the glorious Anandapeople of the Kali age will remain. All were
tirtha, and remembers the lotus-feet of Sri throwing stones at thy pújá, yes! Beautiful
Vijaya Vithala, gets rid of the fetters of Hayavadana, kill, kill them! Maka us victo- hell." "The good luck of all the Dasas is to rious!" "Madhava's doctrine is necessary :
be born as Brahmans, to be instructed in the the difference (bheda) regarding Hari is neces
doctrine of Madhva, and with distinction to sary to dispute with the wicked people is perform the aversion (to the world, virakti) necessary."
connected with devotion (bhakti)." Vithala, in describing Udupu, says Purandara says: "Remembering Pu«The Yatis (or Svámis) of Udupu's eight r&ndara Vithala is sufficient; why should residences (matha) are performing, for Krishna,
one go to Våra nå si?" "He who sees and the pájd which the most excellent Srimadáchâ
does not worship Purandara Vithala is rya, Guru of the Vira Vaishņa vas, com- a great fool." "May Purandara Vithala menced. If ye adore Vithala, who stowed away have compassion, he who came to Udupa, took the untruth of the Advaita sástras, and who is a firm sent there, and from love gives the true the most excellent and the chief life-lord of the devotees what they wish for," "he the beautiful Suddha Vaishnavas, he, being in Udu. (chělva = Ranga) Krishna of Udu pn." "In pu, will support you all."
this country, since old times, there were no Some of Vará ha's expressions are: knowers of the Veda (veda jña), they saw (i.e. "Where the lord of Madhva sits, is Kafi." used to study), the Vedanta sástras ; in the “People, seeing (him), say with a sneer: 'Pray places of the Adi mûrti was only the name of near Varah. Timmappa who is on the eastern Sridhara (Vishnu), and pújá in abundance. hill, eats jungle fruit, and plays on the summit!' O Vishnu, who art to be known by the Ve(Wait only!) The Kali king has come !" (ie. dánta !" "The stupid Pandita ought not to say: probably Kalki.) “Varaha Timmappa, as the I am the Brahma. Ha, ha, O man! Why didst son of Nanda Gopa, saw the austerities of thou become rained ? Ha, ha, thou left'st Hari's Anandatirtha (Madhvacharya), and seated worship!" "In the Kali age Madhvacharya himself in Chandrapura (i.e. Udupa)." came down to the earth, did away with the "The glorious Madhva Raya became a sud- | I am He, broke Sankara's doctrines into dha Vaishnava, raised the world, brought pieces, reviled the Måyås (the doctrines conthe dear idol of Krishna (to Udupu), and put it cerning the máyd), and did away with the meshup. Bow down all to Madhva Raya! All work of the Moha sástras (heresies). Without the doctrines of all the Rishis hid themselves; delay have it proclaimed by beat of drum : the doctrine of Madhva Rishi became ap- Among the gurus there is none like guru parent." "Thou, O Krishna, placedst thy foot Madh và charya! In the whole world and scatodst thyself in Udupu, that is the best none are like the Vaishnavas!' In the whole place in the world." "On the throne, called world I see not any who had the same Siddhanta Vaishnava, hc (Krishna) appears in power as guru Madhyâ o hârya." "To his lovely form. Accepting the pleasing púja | do service to Hari is the highest state with the sounds of musical instruments, Ma- (parama pada)." "He who does not adore dhva's Krishna came to Chandrapura. Parandara Vithala is indeed a thorough lowNo doubt, as if one had brought and put up Vacaste fellow (hölčya) !" As a specimen of one of