(JUNE, 1873.
repha, dhautakâya P shat pada, bhramari.-Hem. Sanskrit equivalents: Svach shhand, udd&ma, Dest VII. 2. (447) gives rasâu bhramrah, rasâu nirargala, muktaka, vispinkhalita, niravagraha, sabdoyam ityanye, yadyopalah. Alirapi raslo Bvair&,* nirankuća, alpavasa. - syật.--Hem. Deśl. VI. 99 (398) has bhasaro; Ruiram munoraham ramma abhiramam Hem. Dest. I. 80 indindirammi iddando, and Com. bandhura manujja cha iddando bhramarah kaischidindi(n) dirasabdopi lattham kântam suhayam maņoramam châru desya uktah asmabhistu samskritepi darśanad
ramaniijam || 13 || anaya bhangya nibaddhah. Hem. Debi. V. 56
MS. latthakântam ...... ramanijjam cha ag. met. (296) bhamare dhungadhuyagåyå dhamang&; the Metre : Årya. Subject : lovely. Sanskrit equivafirst and last apparently =dhamrånga. . lents :-ruchira, manohara, ramya, abhirama, Râmå ramaņi sîmantiņi bahủ vâmaloyana
bandhura, manojfia, --, kanta, sukhada, manoraviņaya !
ma, châru, ramaniya. Mahilâ juvai abala anganê narî---||11|| Hem. Desi. VII. 26 (472) says : latto anya
The second half-verse appears to be mutilated. sakto manoharah priyamvadascheti tryarthah. Metre : Arya. Subject: Woman. Sanskrit equiva- Sasiņam saņiyam mittham mandarin alasankulents : ráma, ramaņi, simantini, vadhd, v&malo
dan maralan cha chana, yuvati, abalA, angana, nari.
khelam bhikuyam sâïram visattham mentharam Sachchhandå uddâmâ niraggalâ mukkalâ vi- thamiyam || 14 || sankhaliâ
MS. visatthamentharam ag. met. Subject : slow Niravaggahî ya sayara nirankusâ hunti ap- -Sanskrit equivalents : mpishta = marshita, pavasâ 11 12 11
manda, alasa, - - markla, svaira, visrasta (P) Metre : Arya. Subject : A self-willed woman. I manthara.
The Demons in Coorg.* I. MALES.-1. Ayyappa (Ayya-Appa),
t arrak in a leaf. The hill-Ayyappa stands nowi. e. Lord-father, a name at present explained as adays on the boundary between the Kalis if Ayyappa were the lord of the universe. I (Demons) and Devas (Deities), as is indicated think it originally means Demon-master, Appa by the fact that no swine-the gifts thought being a very common honorific. If a person particularly fit for Kâraņas (Ghosts) and falls under his influence (drishti), he will Demons-are offered to him. To some of the become ill. Ayyappa is also called Malējungle-Ayyappas Brahmans are sent once a Deva, i e. Fill-god, and Beto Ayyappa, year; others are served only by the Coorge-with i. e. Lord-father of hunting, and his favour is such the Brahmans have nothing to do. Some sought for hunting expeditions. His stone, Coorgs say that in a few places a buffalo is tied on a small platform (dimba kafla), is met with in up, in Ayyappa's name, in the jungle (i. e. jungles and gardens. Here and there a whole killed ?). jungle is dedicated to one of his stones, and out with the Tamilas, Ayyappa is called Ayyanar, of such jungles superhuman sounds are said by and receives also swine as offerings; the Tulus some occasionally to proceed. On his plat- call him Ayyappa form models in wood and clay of bows, arrows, 2. Another name of Ayyappa in Coorg dogs, horses, elephants, &c. are laid as gifts. is Sastav u or Sârtà vu. It is also found When a hunt has been successful, an Ayyappa among the Tamilasll and Tuļus (Sdstavu), both stone is presented with a cocoanut and some rice, of whom consider its bearer to be the master of and, according to others,also with a fowland some Demons. In Coorg he is a stone within or
• No bigoted Coorg would dare, and no Brálaman would, put the Ayyappa and Kalis under the same heading with the Demons. + Ay, Ayya, in honorific title among the Dravidians
dians frequently affixed to proper names, like "Appa." May it be connected with arya?
I Bali is the specific name for "bloody sacrifice" with the Dravidians; the root bal means to be strong, able,
firm or tight, and is very common. Bala and Bali of Sanskrit literature may be Dravidian.
& Ziegonbalg's Genealogie der Malabarischen Gütter, p. 151.
| Sitta, 8&st. See Zieg. pages 150, 153, 154, 186. The names of this Demon remind one of Siva's appellations-Santa, Serv.