MAY, 1873.]
came disgusted with the world, and Lokântika | Priyananda Devi, with whom he enjoyed Deva gave him religious instruction, on which he transferred his kingdom to his son Arinjaya, getting into the conveyance called Sagaradatta, he went to the Sayetthuka Vana, perform. ing six fastings, in company with 1000 Princes, he adopted a penitential life on the 12th of the dark half of the month Jyeshta, in the evening under the star Revati, on which he acquired the fourth degree of knowledge, and on the next day went to Ayodhyapuri to beg, and Visshoka Nripa, of the colour of gold, granted alms, on which the five wonders were exhibited, and after 12 years had expired, in dumb contemplation, he obtained to the Kevaladnyána under an Aswattha tree in the abovementioned garden, on the last day of the dark half of the month Chaitra, in the evening under the star Revati; Saudherma Indra performed the happy ceremony of becoming a Kevaladnyâni, and giving him the 1008 virtuous names, he returned.
He had 52 Ganadharas from Jayadhama downwards.
1,000 Purvadkaras.
39,000 Sikshakaras.
4,032 Avadijny anis.
5,000 Kevalis.
8,000 Vicriurdis.
5,000 Manapariyagnyâni.
2,00,000 Vadis.
1,08,000 Aryakaras from Survasi down
wards. 2,00,000 Sravanas.
4,00,000 Śråvakas,
Devas and Devis, without number. Quadrupeds and birds without number.
With all these, inculcating religious morals in the world for 12 years less than seven hundred and fifty thousand years, in Ary a Kshetra, after which coming to Sumeru Parvai, and leaving his Samopasaranam, and in company with 500 Munis remaining in the Prathama Yuga for one month, on the first quarter of the night, of the last day of the dark half of month Chaitra, under the star Revati, Ananta Bhatta ka obtained beatitude and Saud herma Indra performed the Pari Nirodna Kalyana Pujá, and dancing with happiness, he returned to his dwelling.
The Story of Suprabha the Baladeva and Purushottama the Vasudeva, the descendants of Srimad Ananta Tirthankar:
Sushena, the king of Padmapura, in the Bharata Kshetra, in Jambudvipa, had 500 consorts: the state queen was called
every felicity. One day Chandrabhashana, the Adhipati of Malaya de sa, coming to this city from motives of friendship, saw the queen and fell deeply in love with her, and made use of every stratagem and carried her away with him. The king (Sushena) became very much grieved at this misfortune, and said, I am really unfortunate, and have not performed any virtuous action: he then forsook the world, and after remaining some time thus, he went one day to Srey&msa Ganadhar, and obtained from him the state of an ascetic, and performed the penance of Simhavikririta, and wishing as the accomplishment of his penance, that he might be reborn in his next birth, with so much beauty that he might be admired by all who saw him, and that there should be none to oppose his authority: remaining for one month in this state and with this wish, he quitted his body, and was born in the Sahasrara Kalpa as a god (Deva) and enjoyed every felicity there for 18 sdgaras of years.
Afterwards Maha Bala, the Arasu of Anandapura in the eastern hemisphere of Ja mbudvipa, becoming disgusted with the world went to Prajapalana Jaina, and obtained the rules of asceticism from him, and performed the penance of Simhavikririta, and in the perfect state of a Sanyasi quitting his earthly frame: he was born in the Sahaerdra Kalpa, the pleasures and happiness of which world he enjoyed for 18 sdgaras of years.
Soma Prabha Raja, having descended from the Mahendra Kalpa, ruled over Dvaravtipatana, situated in the Bharata Kshetra in Jambudvipa, with a life of 42,000 years: his size was 90 yards in length, his State Queen was called Jayavati, who on a certain night dreamt an auspicious dream: on the Bhadrapada Nakshatra, Maha Bala Cherra was born to her by the name of Suprabha, and to another of his consorts named Sit&, Susena Cherra was born by the name of Parushottam a, they were both surnamed Baladeva and Vasudeva, the former was of a white colour, and the latter of a blue colour; they were each of the height of 50 yards, their lives were to last for five hundred thousand years, and they were ruling over the kingdom of their father.
In course of time Madhu Kaita bha, the king of Varanasi Patana in the Kasi Desa, sent word to them to become tributary to him, but they being unwilling to pay tribute, drove away the ambassadors, whose sovereign on hear. ing of the indignity they had suffered, assembled his army and came to give them battle: on meeting he flung his chakra at Purushottama,