tolerance and understanding. This will increase goodwill and harmony. One has to practice generosity of spirit and avoid fundamentalism. Thus, antagonism can be resolved not by quarrels but by communication and understanding. It is the principle of co-operation and peaceful co-existence. This means toleration, which is characteristic of Jaina Ideology. One should accept one's faith but also respect other's faith. It is also an ideal for successfully managing conflicts-personal or interpersonal, national or international. It is the doctrine of open-mindedness, which is the expression of fundamental non-violent attitude. It has wonderful power of assimilation. "Jainism with its theory of multiple -vision provides a framework through which qualities like tolerance, understanding etc. can be. developed", if we accept this synoptic outlook in life, all quarrels will vanish. Nation's foreign policy should be influenced by such and understanding. The real threat to world peace comes from ideological conflicts, which can be avoided.
Welfare Economics
The Jain principle is -Enhance the quality of life and not merely increase the quantity of consumption- Attachment to possession reflects our greedy attitude The Jaina emphasis on non-attachment to possession-is significant from social and human point of view. It is not possessions that are real obstacles the real obstacles are our attitudes. The craving for possession not needed is one of the causes for violence. This concept does not mean not to fulfill one's needs. The message of this virtue is to eradicate the selfish desire for power. This virtue stresses change in attitude of mind. Self-control rather than self-indulgence leads to detachment to possession- The concept is original to Jainism. It really denotes a non- violent attitude- The emphasis here is on certain amount of selfrestraint and not on not possessing necessary things for living. When there is thought of non-attachment to hoarding, naturally, violence will have no place in man's life Also other vices like stealing untruthfulness and absence of self-control will die. Obviously this kind of philosophy will give the way for goodwill and peace- This virtue has not merely religioeconomic significance but also international significance for sustainability of the world.
Jainism deals with the permanent values of life which are of enduring benefit to mankind. The Anuvrata movement founded Acharya Tulsi and Ahimsa yatra started by Acharya Mahaprajana are welcome steps for establishing peaceful international order. Perhaps in the twenty-first Century Jainism may rule the world. Jain message of peace and world fraternity is a call for internationalism.
In the age of globalization, we have to reaffirm faith in Jain ethos. We may be able to create then technocrats entrepreneurs Managers and business leaders who would try to improve quality of the life. Lord Mahavira advocated overcoming vices like anger greed. etc. and recommended the practice of certain virtues. The ethical principles of Jainism prescribe a code of conduct, which requires an individual to be an ideal person with nonviolence as the foundation of his life.
Its welfare economics needs to be studied. The focus is on of self-purification and