essentials of dharma".9
Implications of Non Violence for 1) Ecology 2) World Peace 3) Interfaith Dialogue 4) Welfare Economics.
Environmental degradation is burning problem of this age. Ecological crisis we are facing today is perhaps, one of the worst crises in history. Man in his attempts to get mastery over Nature has destroyed it. The solution to the problem will come from man himself and not from science and technology. Jain philosophy of the nature is based on non-violence. It teaches us what we at individual level can and must do to change our mind, practices and mode of living. The principle of ecology in Jain the text is 'parasparpapgrahojivanam' 10
In Jain literature it is said that life exists in not only human and animal organisms but also in stones, earth, water, fire, air and vegetation. Consequently man should not cause harm to them, disturbing the equilibrium existing among them. The implication is that destruction of environment is an act of violence. In this connection, Jain Declaration on Nature which excellently summarizes the philosophy of Jainism in preservation of nature, ecological harmony and environmental protection is significant. On 23rd Oct. 1990 a few eminent Jains from all over the world presented "Jain Declaration on Nature to His Royal Highness Prince Phillip-President of the World Wide Fund for NatureInternational.11.
This was to mark the formal entry of the Jain faith into the Network on conservation and Religion. Some of the steps for sustainability are as follows:
1. The culture of over consumerism which is the result of technological revolution has to be checked as it is the root cause of degradation. Welfare Economics needs to be emphasized.
2. Environmental education on conservation is a must. It can show the direction for fundamental transformation of an individual by non-participation in destructive activities. There must be attitudinal change.
3. We must educate children our Indian heritage, which it is their right to know. This will lead to change in value-system for sustainable development.
4. Sustainability must be achieved by adopting non-violent simple, eco-friendly life style and by avoiding eco-terrorism to preserve incredible bio-diversity.
Jain seers have craved for the peace and prosperity of all on the earth and prayed for their welfare in their prayer. Non-violence can play a role in competing terrorism.
"One must almost sum up the atmosphere of Jainism in one phrase that we find in 'Sutrakrutang' that man by not injuring living creatures reaches the "Nirvana" which is peace-peace between man and man, peace between man and animal, peace everywhere and in all things". 12
Peace is an ethical issue that shows concern for humanity. In the modern strife-torn