Development & Impact of Jainism in India & Abroad
About 150 Jain manuscripts (according to the hand-written list kindly communicated by Professor A. Vigasin, Moscow). Petrogad. Rossijskaja Publicnaja Biblioteka about 150 Manuscripts N.D.Mironov. Petrograd: Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk, 1918 Pts. I-II
European Manuscript Libraries:
Years of acquisition by Number the collector
of mss.
Tod collection, Royal Asiatic Society, London
Kielhorn collection, Gottingen University Library'
Descriptive list by L.D.Barnett, 'Catalogue of the Tod Collection of Indian Manuscripts of the Royal Asiatic Society', JRAS 1940, Part II, April, pp. 129-178; digitization of 4 valuable items in progress + availability on the Jainpedia website. R. Fick, 'Kielhorns Handschri ften-Sammlung. Verzeichnis der aus Franz Kielhoms Nachlass 1908 der Göttinger Universitäts-Bibliothek überwiesenen SanskritHandschriften'. Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen aus dem Jahre 1930, pp. 65-94; Nachtrag', Nachrichten..., 1941, 4, pp. 115-119. Weber, Verzeichnis 2.1, 1886 (Sastric disciplines); 2.2, 1888 (Siddhanta), 2.3, 1892 (other jain works + additions).
Berlin, Königliche Bibliothek
1873-1878 (+1886-89), 259 (out official letter dated 30 of a total june 1873: 'It appears of 901 to His Excellency the described Governor in Council to in vol. 2, be no objection to Dr. cf. vol. Buhler's supplying the 2.3, p. V) Royal Library of Berlin with copies of such sacred writings of the Jainas as have already been collected for Government' (in Weber, vol. 2.3, p. VIII) 'procured in 1877-1878 39 through the agency of Prof. Georg Bühler' (p.1) 1881-1882, Gujarat 74
Oxford, Indian Institute (Sir Monier MonierWilliams) Bühler collection
A.B. Keith, A Catalogue of the Sanskrit and Prakrit MSS. in the Indian Institute Library Oxford, Oxford, 1903. G. Bühler, 'Ueber eine kurzlich fur