researches are being done on the history of the sravakas and it has been proved that the tribal saraka people are the real sravakas of the old Jain community. Thus, the history of Odisa or Orissa should be seen in the light of the Jain history also to trace and determine its real glorious history and culture.
References and Notes 1 Vrahat Kalpa Bhasya vritti, Vol 1,; Pragyapanna Sutta, 1.66 2. Avasyaka Niryukti, 325 3. Parsvanatha carita v.155f 4. Avasyaka Niryukti, 507 5. AC Mittal, An early History of Orissa, p.121 6. Avasyaka Niryukti (Agamodaya Samiti), pp.219-220 7. Vyavahara Bhasya, 6.115f 8. Harivamsa Purana, III ,4 9. ibid 10. Epigraphica Indica, Vol.XX, p.80 11. Uttaradhyayan Sutra, 18. 45-46; Jain Sutras ,pt.lll
(tr. By H.Jacobi), p.87 12. The Jataka, Vol.III (Ed. Fausball ),pp.376; Studies in the Jataka
by B C Sen, p.8 13. Jain Sutras, pt.II, p.856 14. Ibid 15. Indian Antiquary, Vol.LV, p.145; Journal Asiatica, 1925, pp.57-58 16. Jataka, Vol.lll ,p.3 17. Dhauli and Junagarh inscriptions of Asoka 18. He is said to have ruled in Kalinga from 183 B C to 152 BC 19. Epigraphica Indica, Vol.XX ,pp.71ff; JBORS, Vol.III, pt.IV ,p.458 20. It corresponds to 172 BC 21 'Giants from the annals of Jain History' by YK Maliaya,
inamanjari, (USA)
Vol..37, No.1,p.9 22. Vasudevahinadi ,p.111; Odhaniyukti Bhasya, p.30 and
Odhaniyukti Tika, p.119 etc 23. cf. Jainism ed. By S R Banerjee,p.25, Arhat vacana, Vol.17,
No.1, p.19 24. The Udyaota Kesari and Balasora inscriptions 25. N Jain, Orissa ke Jain Puratattva, p.94 26. Titthayar, Vol.XXII, No.l .p.182 27. SR Banerjee, op. cit, p. 27 28. N. Jain, op. cit, p.94