The Shikh Dharma
Nanak left the job - gave away everything in alms to the poor, led the life of a non-attached person and started giving sermons to the people in impressive language.
“Neither Hindu nor Muslim is there, meditate on God and be a devotee. One cannot get heaven simply by fruitless talks. By earning (the money of) truth we secure salvation or freedom from births and deaths. By telling false stories, without good conduct, only lies are gained.”
At the prime youth of 27 years only, the obedient servant of God Nanak set out from his house to help people drink the nectar of sweet remembrances of God's holy names (Nāmasmaran). He left his house. He propagated the names “Satnam and Satkartar” (truth is God) which was subsequently transformed into “Sant sri Akal”. He said, “Vahi Guru's (wonderful parmatma) name is not to be repeated by tongue only, but by founding it deeply into the heart full of devotion and one should refrain from doing evil.
Guru Nanak had toured a lot in different countries, on so many pilgrimages. He made long journeys for 30 years – Assam in the east, Cylon or Lanka in the south, Tibet in the North, Dwarka, Macca-Madeena and Bagdad in the west etc. He gave inspiration to people to worship only one Satya Akal Purush Parmatma after freeing themselves from the superstitions. In those times no other saint would have done such journeys for the purpose of human welfare. He taught the ideals of Bhakti (Devotion) Namratā (Humility) Purusharth (efforts), Mānav-prem (love for men) Seva or service and Tyag (sacrifice or renunciation). Therefore, it is said, “Guru Nanak Shah Fakir (recluse) Guru of Hindus and Musalmans' Peer.” Moreover, in Punjab, there was a proverb :- “Nanak Bābā, Sabkā Sānzā” which meant Baba Nanak, the relative of all. He spent last 15