Confucius Religion
Among the factors responsible for keeping alive till today China's ancient civilization, Confucius Dharma is chief. In China, 3 main religions are prevalent :- (1) Tao Dharma (2) Bauddha Dharma and (3) Confucius Dharma. No religious or cultural tradition of China is free from the influence of this religion. The great sage Confucius has founded this great religion of China, and he has been worshipped as a Divine or an incarnate person.
Five classics and four books are included in the books of scripture of this religion. The principles of Confucius Religion
Amongst the principles of Confucius Dharma, God, the soul, the moral kingdom of the world and the fundamental love of morality are included. They believe in the physical form of God. God is the perfect and a loving person and because of his action-power of omniscience, the creation and development of the cosmos is made possible. He had accepted the principle of the immortality of soul, in addition to the existence of God (theism). And yet, the chief target of this religion is man's worldly practical dealings and a social order. In other words, it is a