Islam Dharma
The life of Muhommad Saheb was very much simple. He used to do his own work himself only. As property, he had some date-trees or 'palm trees' and a few sheep and goats. His ideas and thoughts befitted a prophet's noble thoughts. Mostly, he lived bare-headed and bare-footed and covered up the body with a white, course cotton bed-sheet. One or two earthen vessels, a small hut, a roof made from the palms of dates this was all and not even a leaf or stopper to the door of his house!
He was habituated, from his childhood, to sit in solitude and to meditate. He desired to know what was religion. Hence, many times, he meditated on God, going to a cave of a mountain, named 'Heera', far from the town, and remained without food and water for days together. Once, when he was sitting in that cave of Heera mountain, in the night of the month of Ramzaan, he heard a mysterious voice which said, "Speak out, Muhommad !"
Muhommad replied "What can I speak? I am not educated, what should I speak ?" Again, the mysterious voice was heard. It said: "On oath to God, speak out that your creator master has made this world.... It is only the man who can worship God well. So guide and teach those human beings the lessons of worship."
The lessons for the prophet to teach are:- "La Illah Il Allah" which means that there is no other God worthy to be offered devotion. Giving this slogan, he commanded to worship one God (Monotheism). He was 40 years old at that time.
From the age of 40 years to 53 years, he made devotions, and efforts to teach people the secrets and truth of religion. During that time, he had to make exodus from Mecca and had to go to Madeena. He had to bid farewell to his family-members and to Kabila-relations. At Madeena, in order to prevent attacks on the person of Muhommad Saheb, battles had to be fought; attempts