historic but. testing' place. Big mosquitoes were in plenty. She could have made a big hue and cry about the whole matter, but endured it smilingly without saying a single word and sleeping without a mosquito-net or odomus etc for not one but seven - continuous nights, bearing the severe bites of big-big mosquitoes !
What an extra-ordinary power of tolerence and endurance like an unpurturbed Yogini !... How much to pen, a number of such inspiring incidents are scatterred over her short but illustrious life which remain enlightening our path. PARUL AS SEEN BY HER INMATES : SISTER (4)
Dr. Kum. Vandana P. Toliya, N.D., R.M.O., I.N.Y.S. B'lore. YOGIC PATH : From our family and father's interest, from her own readings and perhaps from my contact and studies of Naturopathy & Yoga, Parul had cultivated tremendous live interest in Yoga, Natural way of living and Naturopathy. She had as if resolved never to fall ill. If at all a little indigestion, she would undergo fasting and will take anema, steambath or mud-pack and other Naturopathic treatments, but will never touch Alopathic medicines, only the Ayurvedic ones at times. As a matter of fact she had carefully chosen the path of balanced, right and selected Diet and daily Yoga practices. She cultivated high, pleasing, calm, joyous mental equlibrium and a Yogic Physical Posture,
Parul began learning Meditation and Yogasanas from our father and thereafter from a Competent Yoga Teacher. I remember, she used to go to bed early, get up very early and used to go to learn further Yogasanas from a nereby Yoga Class of the said teacher.
Additionally, her choice of qualitative readings, company of elevated people, silent meditations, conscious writings and Music practices-all had led her to maintain physical and mental equilibrium