YOGINDRA YUGАPRADHAN Sri Sahajanandaghanji Maharaj
30-8-1914: 2-11-1970
Sahajananda is the name of mine,
Sahajananda is the name of mine; Doubtless resident am I of a land
Impenetrable, of a city invisible and divine. Appropriate understanding is father mine,
Profound self-experience my mother, Syadvada is my family line,
Right discrimination my brother. Right faith is my God.
Right knowledge my master and guide, Steadiness of self my religion,
Meditation is the path I ride. Right intellect is my activity,
Threefold control my rest, With my sweetheart, pure self-consciousness,
I dwell unattached in zest. In brief, such is the introduction of me
Ask ye about the physical frame? Oh! Say! Its just useless
Why waste thy time?