and making the child comfortable to sit with him in the cart, he went on inquiring with him, on the way. To get acquainted, he conversed on some matters and then proceeded towards religious discussions. Judge Dharshibhai was able to dispel off the doubts of monks in those days. Judge already he was. He was the leader of Sthanakwasi Sect and was capable of providing solution of the questions even of the monks of Sthankwasi Society. Such a scholarly preson he was and was knower of Karma Philosophy in depth in those days. In course of discussions, he conversed further with Child Srimadji subtly and even raised some of his own doubts. Srimadji went on clarifying all of them! The judge was overwhelmed with joy and said, "Today is my fortunate day that I get acquaintance of a person like you, coincidentally!! was in search of some such person,