321 Vishayas or districts, and also as functionaries employed in restoring the wealth of conquered kings. The full designation of the officers in question was ĀyuktaPurusha.? They may have been included under the generic name of Pulisā referred to above. The Kāranakas who appear to be mentioned in the Yerraguời copy of Asoka's Minor Rock Edict, probably refer to judicial officers, teachers, or scribes. 3
1 Ep. Ind., XV, No. 7, 138. 2 Fleet, CII, pp. 8. 14.
3 Cf. Karanika, Officer-in-Charge of Documents or Accounts (IHQ, 1935, 586). In inscriptions of the seventh century A.D. the word Karana stood for
Adhikarana (Departmental or District Secretariat ). Prabāsi, 1350 B.S. - Srāvana, 294. In Mbh. ii. 5. 34, Kāranika has, according to the commentary,
the sense of teacher. In the text itself the officers in question instruct the Kumāras and have to be dharme sarvaśāstreshu kovidāḥ, implying that their duties included among other things, those relating to Dharma (law, justice ?).
O. P. 90—41,