And Pilate, addressing. Issa, said: “O man! is it true that thou dost incitc the people against the authorities with the intention of becoming the king of Israel thyself?"
-12“One does not become king by his own will," answered Issa, "and tlicy have spoken falscly to you in asserting that I was inciting the people. I have never spoken but of the King of Heaven, and it is lie whom I taught the people to worship."
-13" For the sons of Israel have lost their original purity, and if they do not liave recourse to the true God thcy will be sacrificed and thcir temple will fall in ruin."
--14-- "Temporal power maintains order in a country; I Iravc therefore taught tlıcır not to forget it; I said to them: Live according to your position and fortune, so as not to disiurb public order;' and I exhorted them also to remember that disorder reigned in their heart ind in their soul."
"Thus the King of Ileaven has punished them and suppressed their national kings. Nevertheless I said to thicm: 'If you resign yourselves to your fate, the Kingda dom of licaven will be reserved to you as a reward.''.
---10--- Al this moment the witnesses were introduced, one of whom testified, saying: "Thou hast taught the pcople that the temporal power was nothing before that of the king who woull soon free the Israclites from the heathen yoke."
"Blessed be thou," said Issa, " for having told the
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