THE UNKXOUX LIFE OF JESUS CIIRIST. no other gods but Him, He has not shared the world with anyonc, nor has He informed anyone of His intentions."
“Just as a father would act toward his children, so shall God judge men after their dcath according to llis incrciful laus; never will. lle lumiliatc lis child buy making his soul migrate into the body of a beast as in purgatory."
-12– " Tbc celestial law," said the Creator through the mouth of Issa, "scorns thc immolation of human being's to a statue or to an animal, for I have dedicated to the use of man all animals and all that the world contains."
-13"All has been given to man who is thus directly and intimately bound to me his Father; he who has taken away my child will be severely judged and chastised by the divine law."
--14“To the Eternal Judge man is mil, just as an animal is to a man."
-15"Therefore I say unto you, leave your idols, do 1100 perform ceremonies that scparate you from your Father, and link and bind you to priests against whom Heaven is turned."
-16"For it is they who have led you astray from the true God and whose superstitions and cruelty are leading you to the perversion of spirit and to the loss of all moral sense."
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