68 THE UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CHTIST. cxists from cternity, whose existence will have no end; there is none equal to Him cither in heaven or on earth."
--17"Tie firent Creator has sliared flis power with no one, still less with inanimate objects, as they have taught you, for He alone possesses all power,”
18"He willed and the world appeared; by one divine thought He united the waters and separated from them the dry part of the globe. He is the cause of the mystcrious life of man, into whom Ile has urcathed a part of His own."
.-19"lle has subordinated to man the land, the water, the beasts and all that He has created, and which llc Himself preserves in an unchangeablc order by fixing the proper duration of each."
20“The anger of God will soon fall on man, for he has forgotten his Creator; he has filled His temples with abominations, and he adores numerous crcatures which God has suburdinated to him."
--21" For, in order to please stones and metals, he sacrifices human beings, in whom dwells a part of the spirit of God."
" For lic humiliates those who tuil by the sweat of tlicir brow to gain tlic lavor of the idle, who sit at sumptuously furnislıcıl tables,"
---23 .. “Those wlio deprive their brothers of the divine gift shall be deprived of it themselves, and the Brahmins and thic Kshatriyas will become Shudras of the Shudras, with whom the Eternal will dwell forever."
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