The time had now come when the merciful Judge had chosen to incarpate Himself in a human being.
— 2And the Eternal Spirit who remained in a condition of complete inaction and of supremc bcatitude, aroused and detached Himscif for an indefinite time from the Eternal Bcing,
In order to show, by assuming the human form, the mcans of identifying one's self with divinity and attaining eternal felicity;
--4And to show by His example how we may attain moral purity and separate the soul from its material envelope so that it may reach the perfection nccessary to pass into the Kingdom of Heaven, which is unchangeable and where eternal happiness reigns.
--5Soon after, a wonderful child was born in the land of Isracl; God Himself spoke by the mouth of this child of the insignificance of body, and the grandeur of soul.
The parents of this child were poor people. belonging by birth to a family distinguished for their picty, who had forgotten their ancient grandeur on earth, in cclcbrating the name of tlic Creator and thanking Ilim for the misfortunes with which He was pleased to try them.
To reward this family for remaining firm in the path of truth, God blessed their first-born child and clccted him to go forth and uplift thiosc that had fallen in cvil and to cure those that were suffering.
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