50 THE UNKNOWN LIFE MJ: JESUS CHRIST. tlarni-clock ind my watch asking me how to wind them up and what their use was. Acceding finally to my urgent requests he brought me two large bound books whose large leaves of paper had become yellow by lime; hic then read tu me the biograply of Issil which I wrote dowi carefully in my note-book according to the translation which my intcrprcter made for me. This curious document is written in the form of isolated verses which very often have no connection with one another.
“The third day iny lıcalth was so much improved that it allowed me to continuc my journcy. After having dressed my leg I turned back crossing Kashmir on my way to India. * * * * I have long since de. sired to publish the life of Jesus Christ which I found at Ilinis and of which I llavc spoken abovc; but all kinds of business have completely taken up my tinic. It is only to-day after having spent long restless nights in arranging my notes, after having suitably grouped the verses in accordance with the narrative and iinpressed upon the whole the character of unity, that I resolved to publish THIS curious copy."
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