Europeus have not yet understood thic reason why Die inonks and other custodians of the sacred literature of the East have been unwilling to give full information about manuscripts, although they would gladly explain the significance of other sacred objects; nor did M. Notovitchi comprehend the reason for the refusal of the monks of Lamieroo to give him the desired information of the rolls relating to Jesus Christ.
In India, also, the European scholars and professors mect with the saine difficulties. Dr. Peterson, Professor of Oricntal Languages, inct with similar cxpcricncc. There is a famous library of Jain manuscripts at Cambay, India. Dr. Peterson, in 1885, dcsiring to examine the manuscripts, macle application to thic custodians of the library, but was met with the most positive denial of the existence of any such library. l'rosessor Roth, of Tubingen, wanted to know if thcre was a manuscript of the Atharva Veda in the Brahmin Library of Gwalior, but lie was able to obtain any information, although the political officer of that part of the country used his influence to put him in possession of a copy of the book. Dr. Bhandarkar, of the Deccan College, Poona, succeeded in cxamining only a few manuscripts of the Jain Libraries of Patan, and that only through the influence of the ruling prince, H. H. the Gaikwar of Baroda. Drs. Bubler and Kielhorn, of Vienna and Leipsic, are under thic fond impression that they have cxaminced the whole collection of the Jain inanuscripts at Jesalmer. But I know as a fact that the most important collection has never been shown to any forcigncr. Europcans, as I said, have not been able to understand the reason why they are met with opposing obstacles in the search of ancient manuscripts. To me, iowever, in my official capacity as the Secretary of the Jain Association of India, the reason is simple enough. In the
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