THE UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST. been compilce in India and Nepal all different times actording to the course of events, are to be found at Lassa and number several thousands. In some of the larger convents there are copics made by the Lamas at different times during their sojourn at Lassa and presented to thcir convents in remembrance of their sojourn with the great master, our Dalai Lama."
“ Do you not possess any of these copies relating to the prophct Issa?"
"No, we have none of thein. Our convent is rather unimportant and since its foundation our successive Lamas havc only collected a few liundred works for their own use. The great cloisters possess thousands of them but thcy arc sacred things and they will not show them to you."
They conversed together a little longer, after which M. Notovitch retired to the camp, reflecting deeply on ill the words of the lama. Issa, the prophet of the Budellists! But low coukl that be? Being of the Jewish origin he lived in Palestine and Egypt, and the Scriptures contain not a word, not the slightest allusion to the role which Buddhism must have played in the cducation of Jesus.
He decided to visit all the convents of Thibet, hop. ing to gather more ample information concerning the proplict Issa, and perhaps find copies of the documents in question.
Our traveler continued his journcy; crossing the pass of Namikula, 13.000 (cet high. Ile arrived at the village or lamierou wlicrc lic put up at an inn just tinder the windows of a convent, whicre lie was immcdiately visited by several monks who plied him with many questions as to the route he ciume by, the olject of his jutricy, etc., etc.
Limicroo, as the name would imply, was the head
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