THE UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST. fanc. Elaborately chascd goblets, rosewater sprinklers, in ruddy gold and parcel-gilt, testify to the Kasi:mir goldsmith's skill. The finest gemmed and enanielled jewelry in India is that of Kashmir. The enumeration in Isaiah 111. 17-24 of the articles of the mundus muliebris of the daughters of Zion roads like an inventory of the cxcccdingly classical looking jewelry of Kashmir. The lacquered papier mache of Kashmir is the choicest in India.
Constant invasions and plunders fravc reduced tlic Kashmirians to poverty. They still retain much of their proud micn-the inen are strongly built, the women the most beautiful in the world with their clear white complexions and auglity bcaring.
Shrinagar, the capital, sonictimes called Kaslunir, is situated on the banks of the Jhelum, along which it extends the distance of about three iniles; the houses of two stories in which live a population of 100,000 inhabitants, border the banks of thc river, which is spanned by several bridges; the city is a little over a mile in width; steps lead from the houses to the waters of the Jhelum, where all the day people are to be scen performing their sacred ablutions, bathing or cleansing their utensils of copper. Onc part of the inhabitants are followers of thc Mahomedan religion, two-thires are Hindus, with a few Buddhists intersperscd among tlıcm.
Manufacturers of shawls, guu-makers, workers in leather and papier inache, jewelers, tailors, shoc-nakers, watch-menders, in fact all sorts of artisans, remarkable for thicir mechanical talent are to be found in this city. A visit to the sliow-roonis of shawl-merchants is a pleasure to the traveler.
Around the city there are several intcresting places. The Tuklt-i-Suliman or Solomon's Throne is an old
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