INTRODUC110V. If we are proud of these learned scholars wlio have disclosed to the Western nations thic ancient glory and civilization of India, wc cannot licíp being ashamed ol several short-sighteel Europeans, and Americans too, 11 love think their 'landia has liro Ristory leone mentioning: until the time of the Mabomedan conquest;" "tlat Judiu history is selling but it dreary record of isunion and subjection," incl who on the whole present to the public, Imdir as a conquerce country. But the careful student of Indian antiquitics and literature is convinced that they present i history of Ilindu civilize.. tion for thousands of years so sull and clear "tat lic who runs may read."
The theory that Jesus at the age of thirteen went to India has been held by many to be true, but it is for the first time advanced publicly bv M. Notovitch. Ortliortox Christians would chcem it sacrilegious even to imagine that the "Son of God" went to India uul Licre sturica its religions and philosophies. We shall erumine the facts which will help us to reason on this
Christian livines lavedescribed India as it heatlien country both materially and spiritually. Comparisons Pre frequently drawn between the civilization of Ancient Iulia u Europe, udh it missionary in Tolia has taken great pains to show that llindu civilization will nothing in comparison with modern Western civilization. lle also thinks that the civilization of illicient India represented only the influcy of civilization. To him the glorious civilization of Europe is the model. Is his opinion only thc ignorant and hall-clucated look upon the past is the Golden, und the present as the 1101:19:?; Wiik: le huimself forgets luis own doctrines ont the original fill of 11:01.
It is il great mistake to compare the linelui civili
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