IRTRODUCTION. who has the characteristic signs and proportions; to the excellent law, which reveals thc cntirc cruth; to the congrcgation of the faithful, who endeavor to become delivered: all honor be to these three Supremacics after a prostration at the feet of the superiors | Lamas. ]"
The reinainder of the first paragraph relates the faithful adherence to Buddhism, of the founder of this monastcry, Dharmaraja Senge Nampar (iyalva, and his father, and the universal reverence paid by the Ladakians to the holy triail. It is stated that Sene Nitry prill ordered to be built in his territory the " Vihara Imon. astery] of the three gems," on a magnificent style, and named it "the Sangye chii kui sung thug chi ten." i. c. the support of the meaning of Buddha's precepts, " whence the sun of the doctrine arose in this country brilliant as the dawn of the day." It is further reported that in the reign of this monarch many most learned and powersul Lamas had come to Jacak and taught the doctrinc. The names of some of them are inentioned.
The stcond paragraph ventions that the crection of the convent was entrusted to l'al-dan-tsa-vai Lama, who had dwelt in mumcrous monasteries, and had become firm and strong in the ten commandments.
The edifice was commenced in the mouth Voda, in acertain ycar which in the Thibetan astronomy is namel "the malc watcr-horse ycar," and was finislice in the "male water-liger year." when the Lamit performed the ceremony of consecration, which is a sign of comples tion. "Inille male iron-dog year" were picca, outside thic cnclosurc, 300.000 prayer-cylinders. The docunicut concludes by alluding to the merits which the king, the workmica (the masons, carpenters, porters) and, in fact, all engaged in the construction of this monastery, hael derivert from their assistance, and mentions in particular the salutary in Muence which the monastery will cxer
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