TIIE UNKNOWN LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST. 125 The accusation was founded upon the evidence of hired witnesses.
During the trial, Pilate perverted thc words of Jesus (which taught of the kingdom of Ilcaven) to justify the accusation which was formulated against him. llc reckoned, it would sccm, on the cffect produced by thic answers of Jesus and upon his personal authority to influcncc the members of the tribunal not to examine too minutely the details of the case in land to secure a ver. dict according to his desire.
After having licard the perfectly natural answer of thic judges that the words of Jesus were diametrically opposcd to the accusation, and therefore he could not be condemned thercon, l'ilate had no other recourse but to cmploy, the evidence of an informer who, as the Governor thought, could not fail to produce a very strong impression upon the julges. This wretch, who was none other than Judas, formally accuscil Jesus of having aroused a revolt among the people.
Then took place a scene most sublime. When Judas gave his cvidcnce, Jesus turned to him, and having blessed him, said: “Thou shalt be forgiven, for what thou sayest cometh not of thee;" then addressing the Governor, he said: "Why lumiliate thy dignity and teach thy infcriors to live in fasehood, since even without this thou liast the power to condcmn an innocent person?"--Words sublime and touching! Jesus Christ manifests himself there in all his grandeur by convincing first the informer of having sold his conscience, then by pardoning him. Afterwards he addresses l’ilate, reproaching him for having had recourse to a process so degrading to his dignity to obtain his condemnation. The accusation that Jesus maclc agaist Pilate caused the Governor to completely forget his position and prudence which he should have displayed. So he demanded im
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