The chronicles in question were written before, during and alter Jesus Christ; but during his sojourn in India, wlicre hc wcut as a mere pilgrim to study thic Halimin nl Hmellist laws, no special attention was given him. But later, when tlic first reports of these cvents in Israel reached India, the chroniclers aster having consigned to writing all tlicy liad hicard about the prophct Issa whom an oppressed race liad followed and wlio by order of Pilatc had been put to dcath, rcmembered that this same Issa of Israelite origin had recently lived and studiсd among them and then returned to his own country. Soon an interest was crcated for this man wito hadi so rapidly grown in importance in thcir cyes and thicy immcdiately began to inquire about his birth, his death and all the dictails of his lifc.
The two manuscripts read to me by the Lama of the Himis monastcry were collections of different copies written in the Thibetan language-translations of soine rolls belonging to the Library of Lassa and brought from India, Nepal and Magadha, about 200 ycars after Christ, to a convcnt standing on Mount Marbour near Lassa where the Dalai Lama now resides.
These rolls were written in the Pali language which certain Lamas study in oricr to be able to translate into the Thibctan dialect.
The chroniclers were Buddhists belonging to the sect of Buddlia Gotama. The references relating to Jesus in these chronicles are not put in order but are mixed up without sequence or coherence so far as contemporary events are concerned.
Tlie manuscript bcgirrs without explanation or detail the accounts as they were given by some inerchants who came from Judea in the year of the death of Jesus,
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