THE UNKNOWN LI1 OF JESUS CHRIST. the ycier ol luis accession to the throne that the Religion of Savants would thenccforth bc thic religion of the State and in 2282 B. C., hic cnacted new penal laws. Ilis laws, 1110dificd by the Empcror Woo Wang, founder of thc Chow dynasty in 1122, arc rcally known under the name of "Changes."
On the other hand, the doctrine of Buddha to whosc truc namic was Sliakya Morni, was written on parchment. Toism began to spread in China about 260 B. C.; in 200 21 cmpcror of the Tsine Jynasty desirous of studying Buddhism had invited a Buddhist namcd Silifan from India, and the Emperor Ming-Ti of the l'Iasic dynasty, a year bcforc thc birth of Jesus Clirist, procured from India thc sacrcd books written by the Buddha Shakya Muni, founder of the Buddhist doctrinc, who lived about 1200 years before Jesus Christ.
The doctrine of Buddha Gautama or Gotama, who lived 600 years B. C., was written on parchment in the Pali language. At this time, there existed already in India, about 84,000 Buddist manuscripts which had been compiled for a great number of years.
T! ;, Clubes ni dr Win!) possessed 17:15 i icry rich irister ::07:2. anong less fortunate or more in merimne preple who hau no alphabet. accounts were transmitted orally from generation to gencration. Owing to the untrustworthiness of the human nicilory and its relative incapacity, with Oricntal lancy andelee lu it, the historical facts soon degenerated
*Benelli Shakyat Muni inBuckelhor Cautama are really the same. But the lists believe in m y other buchas fire. calcul tlic Buclilla wlw livet! (100 years before Jesus. As to the vear when the Buddha Shakya Muni clied, the Buddhists Ixocks Glitter coilsiclerahly--the most vista periods mentinu being the years 2422 and 544 B. C.- Translator,
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