सौधर्म स्थगिका स्थगी स्थण्डिल
स्थापनिका स्थाल स्थिरपत्रदान
pp. 24-27. The word has survived in Mod. Guj. as शेलत, a surname of the Khedāvāla Brāhmaṇas. At some other places in Jaina Skt, we also find सेल्लहस्त; e.g.:
तर्हि सेलहस्तपुत्रकमस्मदल्लभं पतिं कुरुष्व' --पञ्चदण्डछत्रप्रबन्ध (Ms. No. Add. 26542. British Musem ),
fol. 6b. m. one of the heavens (according to Jaina cosmology). 42. 14. f. a betel-box. 39. II; 46. 16, 32. f. same as स्थगिका. 33. 14, 18. n. a raised quadrangle. 72. 24; 121.7. n. a sack. 70. 2, 4. m. an ambassador, a consul. 14. 16-17; 30. 20; 45. 8, 10%;
II4. II-I2. ___f. a deposit. 7I. 18, 20. cf. Guj. थापण. m. (?) a large plate. 37.2; 41. 8. cf. Guj. थाळ. i n. the ceremony of betrothal, lit. : 'distribution of dry-dates'.
105. 2. [This is an interesting reference to the custom of distributing dry-dates ( स्थिरपत्र) on the occasion of declar
ing the betrothal, which is still current.] ____f. a loud cry. 79. 24. cf. Guj. and Mar. हाक. m. [I] a market. 32. I. [2] a shop. 69.25%; 109. 16. cf. Guj. and Mar. हाट. ind. alas! 40. 30. cf. Guj. हरिहरि ! n. an ornament to be worn on the hand. 50. 12. cf. Guj.
हाथसांकडं. m. an elephant-driver. 72. 20, 22; 79.14, 23; 13.7.
Hemacandra, a great Jaina savant who flourished in Gujarata in the twelfth century A.D. (used in contempt).
92.2, 4. Vide सेवड. __m. a habit, an interest.
तत्त्वातत्त्वविचारणासु यदि वो हेवाकलेशस्तदा सत्यं कौमुदचन्द्रमघ्रियुगलं रात्रिंदिवं ध्यायत।।67.10. cf. Guj. and Mar. हेवा.
हरिहरि हस्तशृङ्खलक