the passages in the mansion of the poet Māgha were
studded with glass.] सतृणमुदकं प्र + /क्षिप् same as तृणोदकप्रक्षेप. 66.9. सत्रागार
___m. an alm-house. 94. 18 ; I06. 4. Vide मण्डलीकसत्रागार. सद्यस्क
adj. fresh. 99.7, 9, 12. सन्धिबन्ध
m. a treaty of mutual alliance and non-aggression. 104. 15. समाज
m. an assembly. श्रीसिद्धराजे समाजमागते 67.28; सायाह्नावसरे समागते...
भयभ्रान्ते समाजलोके 72. 27-29; संसदि प्राप्तः ।......इत्युत्तरार्धपरितोषित
समाजलोकः 89.5-9. समाधिमरण
n. death in meditative peace. 95. 18. [A Jaina technical
term.] समारचन
n. repairs (of buildings). I23. 29%; 124. 12. समिति
f. a careful behaviour in speaking, walking, etc. (e.g. भाषा
समिति, ईर्यासमिति, etc.). 128.7. [A Jaina technical term.] सम्बन्धभङ्ग
m. the breaking of the betrothal. स्थिरपत्रदानादनु तस्याः कन्याया एकान्ते
विरूपतां निशम्य तत्सम्बन्धभङ्गाय चन्द्रप्रभभिडप्रतिष्ठितक्षेत्राधिपतेरष्टौ द्रम्माणां भोगमप्युपयाचितीचक्र। 105.2-4. [The term 'सम्बन्ध' is commonly
used in Gujarati in the sense of ' betrothal.' ] सरस्वतीकण्ठाभरण n. a title of Vastupāla, lit. : ' an ornament on the neck of
Sarasvati, the goddess of learning'. 100.4. सरस्वतीकुटुम्ब n. a learned family. 27.15. सर्वदूयक (v... सर्वसमयक) n.(?) an order to allow a person to come in at all times.
अप्रतिषिद्धमनुमतमिति तस्य महर्षेः परीक्षितचित्तवृत्तिः श्रीमुखेन स नृपः स्खलनाकारिणां
वेत्रिणां सर्वदूयकं ददौ। 82. 2-3. सर्वसमयक n. (?) 82. 31. Vide सर्वदूयक. सर्वावसर
m. a general assembly. 5.8; 25.16%; 28.5; 32. II; 62.11; 70.30%;
78.27; 80.22; 91.21; II3. 3. [This appears to be something like the दिवान-इ-आम of the Moghal rulers and all the
translators agree on this point.] संस्कारस्थान ____n. the cremation ground. I05.14. साधर्मिक adj. followers of the same religion, i.e., the Jaina religion. 124.8.
[A Jaina technical term.] सांयात्रिक
m. a sea-faring merchant. 40.14; 70.3; 99.20; 120.5. साह
m. a surname of Banias. 70.31. सिक्कक
a sling. 44.13, 14, 15%; 62.9. cf. Pkt. सिक्कग; Guj. शीकुं, शीकुं. सिद्धरस
m. a chemical form of mercury which can change base metals
into gold. 108.6, 7, 10; 120.8. सिप्रा
___f. a conch-shell. 81.13. [ In the tribute that was received by
King Kumārapāla of Gujarāta from the ruler of Konkaņa, among other things, a संयोगसिद्धि सिप्रा is also mentioned.