n. Oleum nigrum, a medicinal drug called Celastrus pani
culata. 43.2. [M. Wills. says about कङ्गुनी : 'a kind of Panic seed, Panicum Italicum ; several varieties of it are cultivated and form articles of food for the poor'.] cf. Guj.
मालकांगणी; Hindi मालकंगुनी and Mar. मालवंगुणी. कच्चोलक
a piece of cloth (?). शिशिरयामिन्याश्चरमे यामे निर्विनोदत्वात् तां प्रथमादर्शप्रतिमानीय पण्डितेन व्याख्यायमानां तिलकमलरीकथां वाचयंस्तद्रसनिपातभीरु : पुस्तकस्याधः कच्चोलकयुतसुवर्णस्थालस्थापनापूर्व तां समाप्य......41. 8. [Both G.T. and H. T. as also Sri M. D. Desai have taken this in the sense of a pot known as tg in Guj., but that would take away the significance of the सुवर्णस्थाल; and in all probability a piece of cloth might have been spread under the सुवर्णस्थाल.] cf. Guj. कांचळी, चोळी; Mar. कांचोळी-in the sense
of 'a bodice or a breast-coat for ladies'. कञ्चक
m. . a bodice, dress in general. कञ्चकसम्बन्धे ' as dowry'. 12. 23. कटाहिका
f. a frying pan. 96. 27. cf. Guj. कडाई, कढाई; Mar. कढई. कटीदवरक
m. a girdle. 68.5. cf. Old Guj. कणदोरो, Mod. Guj. कंदोरो. कठिनी
___f. achalk. 120. 22. Vide खटिका. कण
m. a kind of oil-seed. कणतैलमिश्राम् 43.28. [M. Wills. inter
prets as long pepper, cummin seed' and oft as the
plant Premna Spinosa or Longifolia'.]. कण्टेलीयापाषाण m. a kind of stone. 100. 24. कण्ठ
m. a bank, a coast, a border. खनीकण्ठे प्राप्तः 2.8; जलमार्गेणानीयमानेषु
समुद्रकण्ठोपकण्ठे उत्तार्यमाणेषु 100. 25. cf. Guj. कांठो; Mar. कांठ. कण्ठग्रह
m. choking of the throat. 68. 23. cf. equivalent Guj. ex
pressions गईं झलाई जर्बु, गहुँ पकडवू. कथापनक
n. the narrating or telling of. निजगुणकथापनकं दुष्करमिति 117.II.
f. a maiden. 126. 10, 19%3 127. 24. . कपईपञ्चकन्यासव्यवहार m. a rite in the marriage-ceremony. I28. 12. Vide वेदिपडधास्थान. कम्बिका
f. a bar (e.g. of gold or silver). 70. 3. cf. Mar. काम. करक
m. a.water-pot or jug with a tube attached to it. 8. 12, 133;
48. 6. cf. Guj. करवो, करवडो. करचण्डी (v.l. करवडी ) f. the cavity formed by putting the two palms together in a
semi-circular curve near the mouth with the intention of
drinking water (here, of course, milk). 4.7,9, 10. करमोक्ष
m. freedom from taxation. 57. 18. . कर्कर
m. a pebble. I07. 3. cf. Guj. कांकरो, कूको.